Tuesday, October 18, 2011

17-10-2011 《Close Encounters With The Dance Kind》@ New Straits Times

记者Aref Omar采访了《巢穴》的创意推手——马老师、叶老师及造型设计兼化妆总监Michelle Yiu,分享《巢穴》制作的由来、创意元素与每一个元素单位的发挥范围。

The reporter, Aref Omar interviewed the master brains behind the production of ‘DEN’, including Anthony Meh, Aman Yap and Michelle Yiu, the image design and make up director. They shared the stories behind the production and the creative elements within the performance.

(点图放大Click on picture to enlarge)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

09-10-2011 马老师撰文《留个净土空间》An Article of Anthony@星洲广场Sin Chew


Anthony tells the story of why he created DEN in such a time when the environmental pollution is harming our future. Like what he said in the article, "There's things that we cannot stay silent anymore, there's things that we need to take action immediately", hoping to gain awareness among the audience with arts regarding the environmental issue of our only home!

(欲读全文,请点图放大或下载To read the full article, please click to enlarge the picture)


世界各地,每天都连续上演旱涝天灾,山体崩坏及火山地震等等的事件。辐射及有害制品也每天无声无音侵入广大人们的起居生活,像一张盖天铺地的黑网,蚕食吞噬清静的空间。 Everyday, floods, drought, earthquake and landslides happening all around the world. Radioactive and poisonous particles are invading our lives silently, corrupting our surrounding like a destructive network.

Artists are not living away from what's happening around us, we should voice out trough arts and to stand for our point of view.

The risks of Earth put us into an endangered situation which affect out livings and even our coming generations. There is only one Earth, the home that grew and nurtured us. Without her, nothing's meaningful!

《巢穴DEN》演出详情Performance Details

日期Date: 17~20 November 2011
时间Time: 8.30 pm
地点Venue: 吉隆坡表演艺术中心The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac), Pentas 2

RM 100 & RM 50 (成人Adult)
RM 25 (学生Student/乐龄人士Senior Citizen/残友Disabled)

售票处Ticket Outlet:
共享空间专业舞团Dua Space Dance Theatre 03-80700890/010-2215262/016-7451994
吉隆坡表演艺术中心klpac 03-40479000/9010
吉隆坡艺人馆 The Actors Studio 03-21422009/21432009

网上订票Online Booking:

Monday, October 3, 2011

舞剧Dance Drama《巢穴DEN》——2011共享空间年度创作Annual Production of Dua Space Dance Theatre

共享空间专业舞团将于今年11月17日至20日,在吉隆坡表演艺术中心(The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre,Pentas 2)发表舞团2011年年度创作——《巢穴》。这是舞团近年来创作《黑白变》及《TWO》现代舞剧后另一个长篇创作。
Dua Space Dance Theatre will be staging our annual production of year 2011 entitled “DEN” from 17 to 20 November in Pentas 2 of The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac). This is another creation of feature-length work from Dua Space since the previous “Black & White @ VARIATION” and “TWO”.

“DEN” is a fiction story which a planet within the universe is destroyed and the escaping space craft crashed on Earth during the journey of the outer space creatures seeking for survival. The story emphasizes the significant environmental issues and forecasts the possibility that Earth will be heading the same fate. This feature-length work is a collaboration of choreography by the founders and choreographers of Dua Space Dance Theatre, Anthony Meh and Aman Yap. Besides, artists from various backgrounds will come together to generate a hybrid of creativities and arts, including local renowned makeup artist, Michelle Yiu, as the director of makeup and image design, potential new talent of multimedia design, Sirius Seet, and creative photographers, Helios Loo, KK Wong and Dev Lee will contribute their thoughts and specialties to present a 360 degree multimedia visual, and Lee Hock Seng will install the theatre in the form of crashed space craft in order to give the audience an experience of appearing at the scenes of the story line.

“DEN” combines sophisticated image designs, surrealistic multimedia concepts, novel environment installations, and unique and innovative body movements in the choreography, presenting a stage performance of combined creativities and arts to the audience.

《巢穴DEN》演出详情Performance Details

日期Date: 17~20 November 2011
时间Time: 8.30 pm
地点Venue: 吉隆坡表演艺术中心The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac), Pentas 2

RM 100 & RM 50 (成人Adult)
RM 25 (学生Student/乐龄人士Senior Citizen/残友Disabled)

售票处Ticket Outlet:
共享空间专业舞团Dua Space Dance Theatre 03-80700890/010-2215262/016-7451994
吉隆坡表演艺术中心klpac 03-40479000/9010
吉隆坡艺人馆 The Actors Studio 03-21422009/21432009

网上订票Online Booking:

17 & 18-09-2011 舞蹈课Dance Workshop《动作是一种活建筑Body Elicitation – Movement is Living Architecture》

编舞家、舞蹈家马金泉被邀请于MyDance Festival期间开授大师班及即兴课程。为了让更多舞蹈爱好者受惠,马老师为课程命名《动作是一种活建筑》。他在舞蹈工作坊中将以《即兴课程》及《舞蹈课程》这2个层面及阶段教授给学员,以达到身体与思想2种层次体会的教导。

《即兴课》将带领学员通过自己身体的体验,了解动作结构中的力量、时间及空间(Force / Time / Space)如何创造出许多种截然不一样的动作。通过这个即兴课程的参与,学员能够更加体会舞蹈动作中这3种元素的掌握及理解,进而促进跳舞的无穷乐趣。

《舞蹈课程》则由舞蹈家马金泉亲自授课,在课程上将动作结构中的力量、时间及空间(Force / Time / Space)以有系统的教学法,通过地面、场中及流动(Floorwork / Centrework / Moving in Space),以动作组合的方式教导,让学员可以更明白及体会身体动作的创造,可以理论衍化成系统的审美鉴赏。

Anthony Meh was invited by MyDance Festival to conduct a masterclass and improvisation workshop during the festival. To inspire more dance lovers with his experience, he gave a workshop entitled “Body Elicitation – Movement is Living Architecture” to encourage the better understanding of movement creation and mastering movements, through focusing on force, time and space. By experiencing these elements through their bodies, the participants may create dance movements which are unique and different from the others. With a better understanding of the 3 elements of dance movements, they will gradually enjoy themselves in dancing.

16-09-2011《爱与希望》慈善晚宴Love and Hope Charity Dinner & 《守卫茨厂》艺游老街月光会 Petaling Street Community Art Project

8.30pm 《爱与希望》慈善晚宴Love and Hope Charity Dinner


Love and Hope Charity Dinner organized by Persatuan Orang Cacat Cina Malaysia (Malaysian Chinese Handicapped Association) in Temple Thian Hou. Dua Space was invited to participate the performance that night to contribute for the association. The charity dinner successfully raised 119 wheelchairs and funding, making the dreams of the disabled of owning their own wheelchair come true.

9.30pm 《守卫茨厂》艺游老街月光会 Petaling Street Community Art Project


After the performance at the charity dinner, members of Dua Space moved to Petaling Street to join the street performance of Petaling Street Community Art Project. The project was founded in order to refresh the memories within the hearts of the public and gain more power to withstand the destruction of Petaling Street and Jalan Sultan for the construction of MRT. 18 units comprising of artists, vocalists, and performers had participated the performance and it was attended by more than 500 public despite of the rain throughout the performance.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

09~11-09-2011吾舞艺术节MyDance Festival - 开幕式Opening Gala & 马来西亚舞蹈团体汇演Established Dance Company Performance

久违了的MyDance Festival(吾舞节)终于回来了!共享空间有幸被邀请参与此盛会,在舞蹈节的开幕式及本地著名舞团汇演中演出!
MyDance Festival is back! Dua Space was glad to be invited by the organizer for participating the festival by performing during the opening gala and performance of local established dance companies.

为期3周的MyDance Festival 2011 (以下简称MDF)自9月9日的开幕式演出后,将会有共11项舞蹈表演轮番上阵,包括了本地著名专业舞团、新晋独立舞蹈艺人及国际舞蹈团体的演出。MDF 2011乃由吾舞联盟制作,《亚洲舞蹈杂志Asia Dance Magazine》和马大文化中心联办,听同时获得新闻、通讯及文化部属下的国家文化与艺术局鼎力支持。
There were a total of 11 performance happening during the 3-week-long festival of local established dance company, emerging @ independent artists and international dance groups in The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, The Actors Studio @ Lot10 and Malaysia Tourism Centre, starting from the opening gala on 9th September. MyDance Festival is organized by MyDance Alliance, co-organized by Asia Dance Magazine (formerly known as Asia Dance Channel) and Cutural Centre of University of Malaya, supported by Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negara (JKKN, National Department of Cultures and Arts).

Dua Space performed an 15 minute excerpt of DEN and won a round applause from the audience with its uniquely desned creative movements and image of the outer space creatures.

Article about the opening gala of MyDance Festival in Nan Yang Siang Bao.

(点图放大Click picture to enlarge)

即将演出 Upcoming Performance 16-09-2011 马来西亚残障协会 & 保卫茨场街演出

马来西亚华人残障协会义演Charity Performance For Pertubuhan Orang Cacat Cina Malaysia @ 8.30pm


Dua Space persistently support the underprivileged association and they will do a charity performance for Pertubuhan Orang Cacat Cina Malaysia on 19 September in Tokong Tian Hou。 Director Anthony Meh will lead the dancers to perform Chinese calssical dance 《Dun Huang》 and 《I Want To Fly》 with a wheelchair dancer. As Da Space has been supported by the public, they wish to pay it back by contributing and supporting the society in need.

茨场街街头演出 Street Performance at Petaling Street @ 9.30pm


On the same day, Dua Space will be performing in the street performance in Petaling Street with 15 others units and artistes in order to voice out the unwillingness of having the historical buildings in Petaling Street and Jalan Sultan to be abolished for the purpose of development and construction of MRT.
Come support the event and we hope the government would listen to our request of reserving the historical sites after loosing the precious Pudu Jail.

更多有关“护保茨厂”社区艺术计划To know more about the Petaling Street Arts Project:

Monday, September 5, 2011

《春雷动地》总结篇 The Final Chapter of 'Rolling Thunder'

07-08-2011 巴生福建会馆 Hokkien Association of Klang


Since performance in Ipoh and Penang, ‘Rolling Thunder’ went on with its tour performance in Hokkien Association of Klang on 7 August, successfully raising 160 thousands for the Chinese language and culture societies of 4 private high schools, 2 national secondary schools and primary schools.

27 & 28-08-2011 南马行To The South~柔佛峇株吧辖Batu Pahat&古来宽柔中学分校礼堂 Hall of Foon Yew High School, Kulai


Following are the performances on 27 and 28 August in Batu Pahat and Kulai branch of Foon Yew High School respectively. The tight schedule of two performances in a row at different places really put the staging crew under great pressure. However, the performance raised a total of 800 thousand for electronic project of Chinese High School, Bat Pahat. After the performance in Batu Pahat ends, the crew had to take off all the stage equipments (lighting etc) and reinstall them in the hall of next performance. They had to get the setting done by staying up the whole night. (Really appreciate they hard works here!) The performers simply took a nap in Batu Pahat then rushed to Kulai for rehearsal. Their efforts were paid off with the success of the performance and the fund of 2 million raised for the development and construction foundation of Pei Chun High School of Pontian.

After the performances, the members of ‘Rolling Thunder’ visited Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, a historical spot of Johor. On their journey back to KL, they stopped by Melacca for a half-day trip.

03-09-2011 森美兰芙蓉中华中学礼堂 Chung Hua High School of Seremban, Negeri Sembilan


Finally, it was the last performance of the epic musical performance to take place at Chung Hua High School of Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. The atmosphere was intense and emotions were infectious. By raising 50 thousand for the construction of Lin Lian Geok Memorial Hall, the final staging ended within the rolling sound of applause.

9月2号晚上为周导庆生Birthday celebration of Mr Chow on 2 Sept

Hafzi who played the role of Tunku Abdul Rahman

两位歌唱家卓如燕与林清福Photo with the superb vocalists

监制傅承得“肉紧”的一抱 A Hug from Producer

Anthony and Aman with Mr Lim from Purple Cane



Since it took off during December 2010 in the Chinese Assembly Hall of Selangor and KL, epic musical Rolling Thunder stepped across places like Ipoh, Penang, Klang, Batu Pahat and Kulai of Johor, and finally Seremban, it had performed a total of 9 shows with the audience number exceeding 11 thousand people. It also raised an amount of fund for each targeting school and LinLian Geok Foundation. If you think they have done enough, they will say what had been carried out was not sufficient and it never will.


During the last performance, former president of Seremban Chinese Assembly Hall told the producer, Mr Poh Seng Titt that ‘Rolling Thunder has become a classic.’

Besides the touching of the performance and the restore of an important piece of forgotten history, ‘Rolling Thunder’ has created ‘Believes’ among the hearts of the Chinese. They believe that local production can stand in par with international standard, they believe that Chinese community has their stories written with blood and tears on this land that nurtured and grew us and at the same time, they believe that Chinese community and education can survive by our own strength and effort!


This is the outcome of the hard works of the team. We hope that the journey started from ‘Rolling Thunder’ will continue with ‘The Story of Lin Lian Geok’ and eventually, to become a powerful force of protecting our pride and culture in the future.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

06-08-2011 St. Ella New York Creative Makeup Contest Grand Final

美丽乐集团为配合他们主办的St. Ella New York创意化妆比赛在Berjaya Time Square举行的总决赛,邀请舞团于当天的比赛中呈献舞蹈。为了配合彩妆比赛的主题,舞团总监兼编舞马金泉老师特别创作一支结合舞蹈与造型化妆设计的舞蹈《Zoom In——美丽的愿景》。找来本地著名化妆师Michelle Yiu及Makeupyourmind Academy负责造型设计及彩妆的部分。当两种不同领域的艺术结合,擦出亮眼的火花,让人惊艳!

Dua Space was invited by Melilea Group to perform during the St. Ella New York Creative Makeup Contest Grand Final held in Berjaya Time Square. To synchronize with the theme of the contest, Anthony Meh, the choreographer of Dua Space, collaborated with local renowned makeup artist, Michelle Yiu and her team of Makeupyourmind Academy to combie dance and creative makeup and image design. Their work led to an astonishing outcome of the collision of different art streams, bringing the wonderful dance piece entitled 《Zoom In - The Vision of Beauty》.

Besides, Dua Space also presented a special version of 《Exalted》where the blings of golden where turned into the cool tone of black and white!

25-07-2011 余仁生周年庆 Anniversary of Eu Yan Sang


The honorary sponsor of Dua Space Dance Theatre, Eu Yan Sang had its anniversary dinner at Shangri-La Hotel on 25 July. Anthony Meh specially re-choreographed a dance piece "The Landscape of Malaysia", presenting the image of Malaysia multi-racial background and the lively harmonious living of the nation of this tropical country.

Dua Space was grateful for the support Eu Yan Sang gave us along these years and with it's support, Dua Space could strive for the development of local performing art without much constraint. Here, we would like to send Eu Yan Sang our best wishes: Happy anniversary and thank you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

《林连玉传The Story of Lin Lian Geok》 招考演员Cast Audition @ 21-08-2011

由林连玉基金主办的“林连玉传:族魂林连玉与华教先贤的奋斗” 史诗歌舞剧,将于8月21日(日)吉隆坡教总大厦林连玉基金办事处4楼,主办舞蹈员、演员及歌手面试招考,欢迎有兴趣的朋友踊跃报名参加。
The epic musical “The Story of Lin Lian Geok”, organized by LLG Cultural Development Centre, is calling for an audition for talents in dancing, acting and singing on 21 August (Sunday) at the office of LLG Cultural Development Centre, located at the 4th Floor of Bangunan UCSTAM.

The epic musical will be staged on 17 December in the school hall of Confucian Private Secondary School. With local renowned poet, Poh Seng Titt as the producer, associating with Chow Kam Leong (local famous musician/composer), Anthony Meh Kim Chuan (dance artist/choreographer), Wong Ah Wah (poet), Lim Ming Chee (educator), and over 30 professionals from literature and art industry, the epic musical is the second local big-scale production after the well-acclaimed epic musical “Rolling Thunder” which has toured all around Malaysia in 2010 and 2011.

The catastrophe of Lin Lian Geok is not only the story of local Chinese but also a story to share among Malaysian. “The Story of Lin Lian Geok” describes the indomitable spirit of Lin Lian Geok, who was acknowledged as “Soul of the Race”, contributing for local Chinese education. He pronounced that all residents of the country should collaborate, despite of the races, to build a diversified, peaceful and advanced nation in the future where honors and glories are shared among everyone. He advocated to the preservation and appreciation of mother tongue of all races and urged to fulfill the responsibility of a nation’s resident by protecting and loving our country. Furthermore, the musical praises his visions beyond the difference among all races and highlights his character of towering strength for building Chinese education, at the same time, complimenting and saluting the pioneers of local Chinese education who fought together with Lin.

有意参与演出者须事前报名,并于8月21日下午1时到面试会场报到,同时携带两张护照型人头照片,穿着简便运动服装,年龄介于16岁至40岁之间,拥有舞台经验。更多详情可浏览www.llgcultural.com及致电林连玉基金会黄瑞泰03-26971971 / 72共享空间专业舞团薜建翔010-2215262
Those who wish to participate the audition are required to register in advance. Participants must be aged between 16 to 40 and preferably with performance experience. On casting day (21 August), please attend at the audition venue on 1pm in suitable sport or exercise attire and bring along 2 passport-sized head shots of yours. For more information, please log on to www.llgcultural.com or contact LLG Cultural Development Centre at 03-26971971/72, or Sirius Seet of Dua Space Dance Theatre at 010-2215262.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

23-07-2011GERAK 2011

共享空间受国家文化局邀请于GERAK 2011演出一支现代舞。马金泉老师编排了一支融合现代舞与民族舞蹈风格的作品,名为《城市动腾》,结合本地民族色彩与城市动态的手法编舞,反应了我国都市朝气蓬勃的风貌及多元文化的特色,让观众叹为观止!

Dua Space was invited to present a contemporary dance piece during GERAK 2011l. Anthony Meh choreographed a dance piece named 《Our Exuberant City》 which combines the traditional and modern elements of dance and choreography to show the energetic and exuberant living in a multi-cultural city and the dance impressed the audience with its dance techniques and creativity.

16-06-2011 马老师Anthony Meh@陳艾霙 “ 畫裡霙情 ” 油畫個展开幕"Feel·ying's" Tan Ai Yong Oil Paint Exhibition

本地油画画家陈艾霙老师的油画作品于马来西亚东禅寺佛光缘美术馆展出,画展取名为 “ 畫裡霙情 ”,顾名思义,希望藉由陈老师的作品,让更多人认识本地另一实力派画家。马金泉老师续今年与吴亚鸿老师合作后,再次应邀为吴老师的高徒(既陈老师)演出。舞蹈亦取名为 “ 畫裡霙情 ”,在画展的开幕仪式中演出。舞作以陈老师的油画风格出发,不但色调、彩妆、主题等与展出的画作呼应,更是为了给本地艺术家的一种精神扶持与撑伞,祝福陈老师的个展展出成功。

Local oil paint artist, Tan Ai Ying will have her paintings exhibited in Fo Guang Yuan Dong Zen Art Gallery. The exhibition entitled 'Feel·ying's' is to share the artist's feelings through her paintings and to introduce another local great artist to the public. Since performing with Goh Ah Ang, local renowned painting artist, Anthony now perform for Tan Ai Ying, who is the student of Goh, in the launching of her personal oil paint exhibition. The dance based on the theme, style and color tone of the paintings of Tan not only corresponded to the paintings of Tan but also showed Anthony's support and wish for Tan, hoping that her exhibition will be successful.

Those who love painting, don't miss the exhibition. The details are as follow:

陳艾霙 “ 畫裡霙情 ” 油畫個展
"Feel·ying's" Tan Ai Ying Oil Painting Exhibition

日期Date&时间Time:16/06~16/08/2011(10am - 6pm/Closed on Monday)
地点Venue:马来西亚东禅寺佛光缘美术馆 Fo Guang Yuan Dong Zen Art Gallery

陈艾霙Tan Ai Ying


Born in 1964, graduated from Top-Art School of Art (Graphic Design) in 1988. She's presently the Head of Children Art Department & lecturer in Art Teachers' training at Top-Art, Secretary of the Association of Artists, Klang. Organising chairperson of the women's day "Rainbows Alive" Art & Calligraphy Exhibition (1998-2011), panel judge in the 40th World School Children Art Competition (2009), Taiwan.

Click on the following link to read more about the exhibition.
陳艾霙 “ 畫裡霙情 ” 油畫個展开幕@goodenei

Thursday, July 14, 2011

马金泉&叶忠文登“封” Anthony Meh & Aman Yap Covering 《Just Dance!》

这个六月,共享空间专业舞团创办人马金泉以及叶忠文受邀成为《J​ust Dance Magazine》杂志封面人物。杂志中还详尽的访问了两人一路走来的故事及打造自己舞蹈王国的酸甜苦辣。杂志以标题“Attain The Impossible”阔论他们以自己的信念做出一条近乎是不可能的路。
The founders of Dua Space Dance Theatre, Anthony Meh and Aman Yap, are on the cover! In the June-July issue of 《Just Dance!》 Magazine, it invited local modern dance duo who were said to "attain the impossible" by making their dance career in Malaysia. There is a detailed cover of their stories, joy and tears of running their company and their believes in local dance industry within the magazine.

Available in Popular, MPH, Times, Borders, Kinokuniya, myNEWS.com, major newstands and selected dance studios. The magazine in available in Dua Space as well. You can come over to the place to buy a copy and may get a chance to meet Anthony and Aman in person and to get their autographs!

即将演出于Performing in《GERAK 2011》@ 23 July 2011

共享空间被国家文化及艺术局邀请参与《GERAK 2011》于7月23日,晚上8点30分,假Auditorium DBKL局限性的演出。此活动乃是2011吉隆坡艺术节的节目之一,主要是以呈献马来西亚多样化的舞蹈元素为主旨。活动将于7月20日开始至24日结束。每晚将有不同种类的舞蹈轮番上阵,表演给观众欣赏,包括传统舞蹈、嘻哈街舞、爵士舞、踢踏舞、现代舞、芭蕾舞等等!
Dua Space Dance Theatre is invited to perform in 《GERAK 2011》 on 23 July, 8.30 pm, in Auditorium DBKL. 《GERAK 2011》 is organized by the National Department of Cultures and Arts (Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negara, JKKN) under the Kuala Lumpur Festival 2011 as a presentation of the collections of dance genres we have in Malaysia including traditional, hip-hop, jazz, tap, contemporary, ballet and more. The program starts from 20 July till 24 July with all sorts of dance performing every night to you.

Dua Space Dance Theatre is performing a contemporary dance named Our Exuberant City - The dance piece expresses the vibrancy of our capital and its uniqueness of multi-cultural characteristic.

Those who love dance please don't miss the show! It's a fiesta for dance lovers and it's FREE! See you there!

25-06-2011 吉隆坡节开幕式Launching of Kuala Lumpur Festival

Kuala Lumpur Festival is an annual grand event happening in Kuala Lumpur that celebrates the artistic achievement of artists, in various forms like dance, film, music, painting etc, in Malaysia, especially those in Kuala Lumpur.


This year, Dua Space Dance Theatre was invited to perform a dance piece that presents the energetic and flourished image of Kuala Lumpur during the launching of Kuala Lumpur Festival 2011 in Kg. Budaya of KL Tower. The Artistic Director of Dua Space Dance Theatre, Aman Yap choreographed a contemporary dance piece named "The Force of Exuberance" to express the vibrancy of our capital under the exuberant forces of the people living in Kuala Lumpur, creating a spring of energy that leads Malaysia to a better future.