Wednesday, August 3, 2011

16-06-2011 马老师Anthony Meh@陳艾霙 “ 畫裡霙情 ” 油畫個展开幕"Feel·ying's" Tan Ai Yong Oil Paint Exhibition

本地油画画家陈艾霙老师的油画作品于马来西亚东禅寺佛光缘美术馆展出,画展取名为 “ 畫裡霙情 ”,顾名思义,希望藉由陈老师的作品,让更多人认识本地另一实力派画家。马金泉老师续今年与吴亚鸿老师合作后,再次应邀为吴老师的高徒(既陈老师)演出。舞蹈亦取名为 “ 畫裡霙情 ”,在画展的开幕仪式中演出。舞作以陈老师的油画风格出发,不但色调、彩妆、主题等与展出的画作呼应,更是为了给本地艺术家的一种精神扶持与撑伞,祝福陈老师的个展展出成功。

Local oil paint artist, Tan Ai Ying will have her paintings exhibited in Fo Guang Yuan Dong Zen Art Gallery. The exhibition entitled 'Feel·ying's' is to share the artist's feelings through her paintings and to introduce another local great artist to the public. Since performing with Goh Ah Ang, local renowned painting artist, Anthony now perform for Tan Ai Ying, who is the student of Goh, in the launching of her personal oil paint exhibition. The dance based on the theme, style and color tone of the paintings of Tan not only corresponded to the paintings of Tan but also showed Anthony's support and wish for Tan, hoping that her exhibition will be successful.

Those who love painting, don't miss the exhibition. The details are as follow:

陳艾霙 “ 畫裡霙情 ” 油畫個展
"Feel·ying's" Tan Ai Ying Oil Painting Exhibition

日期Date&时间Time:16/06~16/08/2011(10am - 6pm/Closed on Monday)
地点Venue:马来西亚东禅寺佛光缘美术馆 Fo Guang Yuan Dong Zen Art Gallery

陈艾霙Tan Ai Ying


Born in 1964, graduated from Top-Art School of Art (Graphic Design) in 1988. She's presently the Head of Children Art Department & lecturer in Art Teachers' training at Top-Art, Secretary of the Association of Artists, Klang. Organising chairperson of the women's day "Rainbows Alive" Art & Calligraphy Exhibition (1998-2011), panel judge in the 40th World School Children Art Competition (2009), Taiwan.

Click on the following link to read more about the exhibition.
陳艾霙 “ 畫裡霙情 ” 油畫個展开幕@goodenei

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