Saturday, November 28, 2009

17-11-09 韩新学院学生采访 Interview of students from Han Xing Academy of Journalisme and Communication


Students from Han Xing Academy of Journalism and Communication visited Dua Space Dance Theatre to interview the founders, Anthony Meh and Aman Yap and the dancers of Dua Space on how they develop dance arts in this scarce land of arts.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

共享空间与双福的近期活动 Recent Activities of Dua Space and Shuang Fu

活动 1


Doublessing Toothbrush Sales For Charity


Shuang Fu Disabled Independent Living Association will launch their Toothbrush Sales For Charity on 27th November at MIECC. This activity is very meaningful as its purpose is to raise fund for the expenses of disabled people to return home during Chinese New Year. Since many disabled are having low income and the expenses to return home during CNY is quite heavy for them. Thus, Shuang Fu decided to organize this activity to raise fund for them to return home to celebrate this festive season with their family.

Dua Space will collaborate with World Wheel Chair Champion, Chung Hong Tsin to present dance piece “Sculpture” and a piece based on the theme of toothbrush. Let us join this activity to brush with love!

双福牌牙刷义卖推介礼 Launching of Doublessing Toothbrush Sales For Charity
日期 Date: 27-11-09 (星期五Friday)
时间 Time: 7.30 pm
地点 Venue: 绿野国际会展中心 《书香》国际中文书展 主舞台
Main Stage of World of Chinese Book Fair
Mines International Exhibition Convention Centre

活动 2


“Cheers of Caring & Blessing” Performing Arts & Musical Concert

由柔佛双福自强发展协会及新山关怀中心联合主办的《祝福•关怀•跃》艺术流域演绎会将于11月29日(星期日)晚上7点钟在柔佛南方学院智雅大礼堂举行。这一次的演绎会主要是为了帮助两家联办机构筹募轮椅及运作费。位于吉隆坡的双福总部当然会为此活动出一分力。共享空间联合双福表演艺术团队将从吉隆坡南下柔佛参与这次的演绎会的演出。其他的演出团体包括了新山关怀爵士管乐团、柔佛双福成员麦嘉欣及手语团队和新山关怀敲击乐组合。此活动乃凭券入场,入场券分为RM 10及RM 50。希望大家能够出席及支持此活动,帮助他们!欲查询详情或购票请联络柔佛双福07-5111740 / 琦亮 016-2102012 / JB CARE 016-7170006.

“Cheers of Caring & Blessing” Performing Arts & Musical Concert organized by Johor Double Blessing Centre for Disable and JB CARE will be held on 29th November (Sunday), 7 pm at Dato’ Seri Joseph Chong Hall, Southern College Skudai, Johor. This concert is to raise fund for purchasing wheel chairs and operating funds for both organizing bodies. Shuang Fu from Kuala Lumpur for sure will support this event organized by its branch. Dua Space and Shuang Fu Performing Arts Troupe will move to Johor to participate in the performance. Besides, other performing groups include JB CARE Jazz Big Band, Cynthia Mak and Sign-Language Team from Johor Double Blessing and Marimba Duet from JB CARE. Entrance is ticket based and the ticket prices are RM 10 and RM 50. Hopefully you can attend and support this event to help those who are in need. For inquiries and purchase of ticket, please contact Johor Shuang Fu 07-5111740 or Ms Low 016-2102012 or JB CARE 016-7170006.

“Cheers of Caring & Blessing” Performing Arts & Musical Concert

日期 Date: 29-11-09 (星期日Sunday)
时间Time: 7 pm
地点 Venue: 柔佛南方学院智雅大礼堂
Dato’ Seri Joseph Chong Hall, Southern College Skudai, Johor

票价Price: RM 10 & RM 50
柔佛双福Johor Shuang Fu 07-5111740
琦亮 Ms Low 016-2102012
JB CARE 016-7170006

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

舞者们的芭蕾课 Ballet Class of Dancers


Starting from November, Dua Space recruited a ballet teacher to teach the dancers ballet. Besides the contemporary and Chinese dance training, now, they also undergo ballet and gymnastic training in order to further improve their skills in dancing.

芭蕾老师 Miss Yap
Our ballet teacher - Miss Yap Pui Mun

Miss Yap毕业于Federal Academy of Ballet。如今,她是一名在Royal Academy of Dance以及Imperial Society Teachers of Dancing注册的芭蕾老师。自2000年,她便在Federal Academy of Ballet教课。2002年起,在共享空间舞蹈学院Dua Space Dance Academy授课。同时,自2009年,她也在Total Gym Club当韵律体操的教练。

Miss Yap received ballet training in Federal Academy of Ballet. She is a registered teacher under Royal Academy of Dance and Imperial Society Teachers of Dancing. She is teaching in Federal Academy of Ballet since 2000 and in Dua Space Dance Academy since 2002. At the same time, she coaches rhythmic gymnastic in Total Gym Club since 2009.

未知发现未知 Unknown Discovers Unknown (Part 2)


Thursday, November 19, 2009

11-11-09 中国国家主席胡锦涛访马 马金泉获邀成为文化演出总编舞 Anthony Meh As The Dance Director of Cultural Performance During The Visit of China President

这是一个非常有意义的演出,能够让中国国家主席亲眼看见及体验马来西亚各族文化和谐交融的一面。这一次参与演出的小朋友分别来自共享空间舞蹈学院、Tunas Budaya Kumpulan Kebudayaan Jabatan Kuala Lumpur、Swatari及ERA Entertainer Group。
马金泉老师也特别为这次的演出编排了两支富有本土文化的舞蹈。第一支名为《欢乐的大地》,采用了各种族富有代表性的道具配合小孩子嬉戏欢乐的舞蹈动作,带出马来西亚各族融洽及欢乐的景象。第二支舞蹈则称为《Dikir Fusion》,改变了马来传统的Dikir Barat,让小舞者们站着及在跑动中去呈现一种创新的马来传统文化。

Upon the visit of China president, Hu Jin Tao to Malaysia, National Culture and Arts Department (JKKN) organized a children performance present the multicultural image of Malaysia to him. JKKN appointed Anthony Meh as the Dance Director of this performance. This is a very meaningful performance since it can bring the harmony of cultures from different races to the eyes of the president of China. Anthony Meh also specially choreographed two dance pieces full of local cultural sensation for this performance. The first dance is “The Land of Joy” which uses the symbolic props from different races and combines with the cheerful children movements, conveys the scenery of Malaysia where people from different races having fun together. The second dance is “Dikir Fusion” which is derived from Malay traditional Dikir Barat and let the children dancers to present Malay traditional culture in a creative manner by standing up and running around.

杂志《96st》马老师专访 & 轮椅舞蹈报导 Articles in magazine "96st"

本地艺术杂志《96st》在11/12月刊号中的“故事”专栏中,以《聆听本土文化的声音 写下属于我们的一页》的标题探讨了华人文化以不同形式在本土发扬及推广的事迹。

Local art magazine "96st" published an article about development and promotion of Chinese cultures in Malaysia via different manners in the My Story Board column.
Anthony was interviewed as he dances his way to promote Malaysian Chinese cultures on his mother land.

“文化需要被看见 相信才会有力量
——马金泉 共享空间专业舞团创办人

(点图放大Click on the picture to enlarge)

此外,在“关爱”的专题——《轮椅舞蹈 折翼天使演绎生命的绚烂》中也刊登了马老师和双福残障自强发展协会合力发展双福表演团队及发展轮椅艺术舞蹈哲学及理念的报道。

Besides, in the column of Charity House, it features an article about wheel chair dance arts developed by Anthony together with Shuang Fu Disabled Independent Living Association and the stories about Shuang Fu Performing Arts Troupe and the philosophy of this unique dance art.

Pg 1 & 2

Pg 3 & 4