Wednesday, November 30, 2016


26.11.2016 星期六



叶宝心老师说: "众志成城,比预期时间提早一个小时完成"



Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Black & White Rerun 2016 (Full Trailer)

In conjunction with the "Eco Art Festival" organized by Nets Group Malaysia, Dua Space Dance Theatre rerun "Black & White @ Variation" for the third time this November 2016.

This work of contemporary dance invokes deep reflection on the issue of ‘returning to innocence’, while conveying a moving message on the erosion of ethical values and the reckless damage to Mother Nature. 

As grim realities of the constantly occurring calamities haunt us, this work seeks to deliver a message: in the face of all these disasters, what can we do about our future? Using the subtle power of the stage, Dua Space Dance Theatre sends a silent appeal to the audience against the recklessness and selfishness of our darker nature has inflicted on Mother Nature, and urges us to strive for higher ideals of morality and ethics. Hence, humanity and environment are the main quests of this creation.

共享空间专业舞团将第三次重演舞蹈作品《黑白变》。而这次我们非常荣幸地能够配合Nets Group Malaysia举办的绿化地球运动"Eco Art Festival" 共同把人文企业与生态环境共生共善的理念与众人分享。



Ticket Open Sales for:
17 November 2016 (Thursday), 8:30 p.m.
18 November 2016 (Friday), 8:30 p.m.
20 November 2016 (Sunday), 3 p.m.

Contact us:
Aldus Lee 018-207 1005 / 
Samantha Kam 018-207 2006 /
Dua Space Dance Theatre 03-8070 0890

Friday, October 14, 2016

《黑白变》载誉重演 Black & White @ VARIATION Rerun

A Masterpiece of the Time for Malaysia Performing Arts­-- Black & White@VARIATION Rerun 2016!

‘Black & White @ VARIATION was an incredible combination of creativity, artistry, storytelling and technical proficiency.’

Malaysia’s 1st Dance Magazine ‘Just Dance Magazine’ - Mok Shi-Lynn

 Pentas 1, KLPAC

Ticket Price:
RM30 / RM50 / RM80 / RM100

Ticket Open Sales for:
18 November 2016 (Friday), 8:30 p.m.
20 November 2016 (Sunday), 3 p.m.

Contact us for Further Details:
Aldus Lee 李隆达 018-207 1005 / Samantha Kam 甘芯怡 018-207 2006 / Dua Space Dance Theatre 03-8070 0890

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Coming Soon this November 2016!

Coming soon this 10-20 November at Pentas 1, KLPAC.

Stay tuned to our latest updates!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

華穗藝術節29/6 馬台名家舞匯 Malaysia-Taiwan International Performance Night

共享空間專業舞團將於華穗藝術節29/6 星期三的馬台名家舞匯呈獻《萬象甲骨》選段《沈體:石在火不滅》與國立台灣師範大學表演藝術研究所、馬來西亞著名印度舞大師Dato' Ramli Ibrahim的 Sutra Dance Theatre同台演出。
Dua Space will be performing an excerpt of <Ancient Inscriptions> – Sim Script at the MALAYSIA–TAIWAN Dance Show this 29/6, Wednesday together with Taiwan's NTNU Graduate Institute of Performing Arts & renowned Indian Dance Master Dato' Ramli Ibrahim's Sutra Dance Theatre.

Video links:

國立台灣師範大學表演藝術研究所將於華穗藝術節29/6( 星期三)的馬台名家舞匯呈獻《靈山》音樂舞蹈劇場。

"Soul Mountain" Dance Theater

Venue: San Choon Hall, Wisma MCA

Time: 8-10pm

Produced by Graduate Institute of Performing Arts, National Taiwan Normal University,directed and choreographed by the full-time faculty Prof. I-Fang Wu, who was the principal dancer of the “Cloud Gate Dance Theatre”.  The “Soul Mountain” Dance Theater is based on the literature “SOUL MOUNTAIN”, the year 2000 Nobel Prize in literature written by GAO Xingjian.  Mr. Wu transformed human’s emotion, desire and the scenery of the “Soul Mountain” into dance as if the imagination of a lonely journey. Through seeing floating lights during the journey, the author connected to the circumstances in life, a journey of exploration of the mind between actuality and virtual reality.
"Soul Mountain" Dance Theater combines dance, music, visual and setting design to give a newer experience for audience than its literature work. This production is choreographed by I-Fang Wu, music composed by Wen-Ta Juang and Ching-Wen Chao, visual by Ho-Chieh Shu and Mao-Chia Huang who have converted hundreds of GAO Xingjian’s original photographs into images on stage, and the famous lighting designer Boon-Ann Goh.

Price: Normal Price:30, Student Price:10
有興趣訂票的朋友,可以聯絡 For ticketing details, contact:
芯怡 Sammy 018-207 2006 / 隆達 Aldus 018-207 0310

Video Link:

30/6/2016 讲座资讯 Talk Details on 30/6/2016:

配合29/6馬臺名家舞匯,台灣國立師範大學表演藝術研究所舞蹈家吳義芳將於30/6(星期四)5pm,在馬華大廈M樓舉行題為:《肉身舞蹈 -從靈山音樂舞蹈劇場,談肉身的凝視》的講座會。


03-2203 3971 /03-2203 3978 /03-2203 3979

23062016: The Lotus Sutra Full Dress Rehearsal


Full dress rehearsal for the Blossom Arts Festival (BAF) 2016. Dua Space performed an excerpt of Black and White @ Variation.

Trailer's Video Link:

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Lotus Sutra Wonderful Dance of Peace & Harmonious Coexistence 《法华经: 舞动和平共生妙旋律》2016 载誉重演

共享空间专业舞团是马来西亚华穗艺术节的艺文演出参与团体之一。《法华经:舞动和平共生妙旋律》作为艺术节的其中一台精彩文艺演出,将于 2016年6月24日(星期五),在马华大厦三春礼堂载誉重演。

《法华经:舞动和平共生妙旋律》配合马来西亚创价学会2014年举办的 “法华经——和平与共生的启示展” 而特别应邀委托创作的作品,并首演于马来西亚创价学会文化会馆。

Dua Space Dance Theatre will be re-running The Lotus Sutra: Wonderful Dance of Peace & Harmonious Coexistence this coming 24th of June (Friday), at San-Choon Hall, Wisma MCA as one of the highlighted programs of the Blossom Arts Festival Malaysia.

The Lotus Sutra: Wonderful Dance of Peace & Harmonious Coexistence was commissioned by Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) in 2014 and premiered at Wisma Kebudayaan SGM in conjunction with their "The Lotus Sutra Exhibition: A Message of Peace and Harmonious Coexistence".

日期 Date
24. 6. 2016 (星期五 FRIDAY)

编舞家马金泉 舞剧导读时间
A Sharing Session with Choreographer Anthony Meh

演出 Showtime

地点 Venue
马华大厦 三春礼堂(2楼)Wisma MCA (2nd Floor)

票券 Ticket
30 / 50 / 80 / 100

热线购票 Hotline Booking
03-80700890 / 018-2072006 / 018-2071005 / 018-2070310

网页/面子书 Websites/Facebook
网络短片 Youtube Video Link

The Lotus Sutra: Wonderful Dance of Peace & Harmonious Coexistence - Tour Sharing 1 《法华经:舞动和平共生妙旋律》巡回讲座会(一)




舞蹈家馬金泉是共享空间专业舞团创办人及舞团总监,18年来带领舞团在国内外不断演出,为马来西亚写下重要的艺术历史。他曾荣获2008年马来西亚十大杰出青年奖、2011年荣获世界华人楷模,同时舞团也荣获2013年HWT 21世纪成功品牌至尊大奖之至尊文化成就奖和2014年HWT 21世纪成功品牌至尊大奖之至尊品牌奖。

活动资讯 :

22.5.2016 星期日 (Sunday)


No. 18, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock,
75200 Melaka, Malaysia.

温欣仪 Summer 016-9811941


Monday, March 14, 2016

A Narration in Light and Shadow : Masakini Theatre Company presents WAYANG - Malaysia Kita 用光和影叙说马来西亚:Masakini 剧团呈献 ——《影戏:我们的马来西亚》

共享空间专业舞团将参与 Masakini Theatre Company 制作的 WAYANG - MALAYSIA KITA 的演出。这一次他们将以他们的影子来演戏和跳舞,呈献一场不一样的戏剧。

Dua Space Dance Theatre is taking part in WAYANG-MALAYSIA KITA produced by Masakini Theatre Company. This time they act and dance with their shadow, bringing the audience through a different experience.

Details of the shows as below :

《影戏:我们的马来西亚》是 Masakini 剧团的作品。
WAYANG-MALAYSIA KITA presented by Masakini Theatre Company.


由 Sabera Shaik 和 Chi Azim 联合导演 ,《影戏:我们的马来西亚》将带你走上一段怀旧的旅程,透过光和影子、投影、音乐与叙述重新认识属于我们的马来西亚。演员们利用身体结合光影,成为了剧中的各种角色也幻化成了各种形态的道具。 这是一个叫你回忆起马来西亚的美好,同时一路充满惊喜的探险之旅!

Directed by Sabera Shaik and Chi Azim, WAYANG - MALAYSIA KITA will take you on a nostalgic journey of discovery through Malaysia using light, shadow, projections, music and narration; with the actors using their bodies as the medium for creating the characters and props. This is a show that will make you remember why you love Malaysia through a journey full of surprises.

吉隆坡站 Kuala Lumpur
日期与时间 Date and Time: 2016年3月30日至4月2日, 8.30pm
March 30th - April 2nd 2016, 8.30pm
2016年4月3日, 3.00pm
April 3rd 2016, 3.00pm
地点 Venue: Auditorium DBKL, Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur
票价 Tickets: RM83, RM53, RM23
网购 Online Tickets: 欢迎即可订购!  BUY NOW!

芙蓉站 Seremban
日期与时间 Date and Time: 2016年4月8日和9日, 8.30pm
April 8th & 9th 2016, 8.30pm 地点 Venue: Auditorium D'Sury, Kompleks JKKN Negeri Sembilan, Jalan Sungai Ujong, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
票价 Tickets: RM23

更多资讯 More info :

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

FGS Dong Zen Temple CNY Festive Celebration Launching 《佛光山东禅寺启灯仪式》



Dua Space's Managing Director Anthony Meh choreographed a special performance with the monkey theme of the year for FGS Dong Zen Temple CNY Festive Celebration Launching. It was one of the highlight of FGS Dong Zen's 2016 programme.

Anthony and Kok Kun, the Monkey King after rehearsal.

Anthony in rehearsal with the little monkeys.

Getting ready.


Final preparation.

On show.

The Launch.