07-08-2011 巴生福建会馆 Hokkien Association of Klang续怡保及槟城演出造成轰动后,《春雷动地》继续上路。8月7日踩上巴生福建会馆的舞台,演出这段本地华社的故事。演出结束后,全体观众站立鼓掌,如雷的掌声,犹如他们心中心情的擂动,激动与感慨交织出的一份感动。该演出成功为巴生四独中、二国中及国民型中学华文学会筹得16万款项。
Since performance in Ipoh and Penang, ‘Rolling Thunder’ went on with its tour performance in Hokkien Association of Klang on 7 August, successfully raising 160 thousands for the Chinese language and culture societies of 4 private high schools, 2 national secondary schools and primary schools.
27 & 28-08-2011 南马行To The South~柔佛峇株吧辖Batu Pahat&古来宽柔中学分校礼堂 Hall of Foon Yew High School, Kulai接着下来,是分别于8月27日于柔佛峇株吧辖海景宴宾楼及28日在柔佛古来宽柔中学分校礼堂两场的巡演。南马之行,演出的精彩与制作团队的紧张实在是不相伯仲。27日峇株吧辖的演出为筹募峇株华仁中学e化校园基金筹获80万经费。演出结束后,制作团队马不停蹄地把舞台演出器材拆解,再漏夜运往古来演出场地,彻夜未眠地组装设置。(真辛苦了制作团队!)演员也不辞劳苦地草草睡了一觉,便前往古来宽柔中学分校礼堂彩排演出。古来的演出是巡演开跑以来成功筹获最大笔数目的演出,总数为200万,并捐于笨珍培群中学建校基金。看来大家的苦劳都获得回报!能够为教育做出如此贡献,再多的劳累,都是值得!
Following are the performances on 27 and 28 August in Batu Pahat and Kulai branch of Foon Yew High School respectively. The tight schedule of two performances in a row at different places really put the staging crew under great pressure. However, the performance raised a total of 800 thousand for electronic project of Chinese High School, Bat Pahat. After the performance in Batu Pahat ends, the crew had to take off all the stage equipments (lighting etc) and reinstall them in the hall of next performance. They had to get the setting done by staying up the whole night. (Really appreciate they hard works here!) The performers simply took a nap in Batu Pahat then rushed to Kulai for rehearsal. Their efforts were paid off with the success of the performance and the fund of 2 million raised for the development and construction foundation of Pei Chun High School of Pontian.
After the performances, the members of ‘Rolling Thunder’ visited Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, a historical spot of Johor. On their journey back to KL, they stopped by Melacca for a half-day trip.
03-09-2011 森美兰芙蓉中华中学礼堂 Chung Hua High School of Seremban, Negeri Sembilan9月3日,最后一场的《春雷动地》在森美兰芙蓉中华中学礼堂公演。演员们高涨的情绪,渲染了现场的观众。演出为林连玉纪念馆筹获5万元建设款项。完美的最后一次公演,《春雷动地》在一片欢呼声及掌声中结束!
Finally, it was the last performance of the epic musical performance to take place at Chung Hua High School of Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. The atmosphere was intense and emotions were infectious. By raising 50 thousand for the construction of Lin Lian Geok Memorial Hall, the final staging ended within the rolling sound of applause.
9月2号晚上为周导庆生Birthday celebration of Mr Chow on 2 Sept 饰演国父的演员HafziHafzi who played the role of Tunku Abdul Rahman 两位歌唱家卓如燕与林清福Photo with the superb vocalists
监制傅承得“肉紧”的一抱 A Hug from Producer 马老师与叶老师和《春雷动地》发起人紫藤集团林福南先生Anthony and Aman with Mr Lim from Purple Cane 后记Postscript自去年12月隆雪华堂开演,今年4月份巡回演出开始踏上第一站——怡保,接着到槟城、巴生、柔佛峇株吧辖、古来、及森美兰,史诗歌舞剧《春雷动地》共9场演出,全马观众人数超过1万1千人,为各地华校及林连玉基金会筹得一笔款项。若你问大家做得足够了吗?我想他们会说自己做得永远不够……
Since it took off during December 2010 in the Chinese Assembly Hall of Selangor and KL, epic musical Rolling Thunder stepped across places like Ipoh, Penang, Klang, Batu Pahat and Kulai of Johor, and finally Seremban, it had performed a total of 9 shows with the audience number exceeding 11 thousand people. It also raised an amount of fund for each targeting school and LinLian Geok Foundation. If you think they have done enough, they will say what had been carried out was not sufficient and it never will.
During the last performance, former president of Seremban Chinese Assembly Hall told the producer, Mr Poh Seng Titt that ‘Rolling Thunder has become a classic.’
Besides the touching of the performance and the restore of an important piece of forgotten history, ‘Rolling Thunder’ has created ‘Believes’ among the hearts of the Chinese. They believe that local production can stand in par with international standard, they believe that Chinese community has their stories written with blood and tears on this land that nurtured and grew us and at the same time, they believe that Chinese community and education can survive by our own strength and effort!
This is the outcome of the hard works of the team. We hope that the journey started from ‘Rolling Thunder’ will continue with ‘The Story of Lin Lian Geok’ and eventually, to become a powerful force of protecting our pride and culture in the future.