Friday, February 11, 2011

18 & 19-12-2010 史诗歌舞剧《春雷动地》隆重登场Performance of Epic Musical 'Rolling Thunder'

1974年的演出曾因当局担心壮大左翼力量而腰斩 大马华社再响文艺春雷
The Thunder Roars Again, The Unperformed Performance in 1974

马来西亚华社文艺精英倾巢而出,演出史诗歌舞剧《春雷动地》,回顾七、八十年代风起云涌的社会事件,向当年为捍卫弱势群体权益而遭受打压的前辈致敬,也勉励新一代继续推动国家前进。 ——林友顺《亚洲周刊》
Presented by the leading Malaysian Chinese cultural elite, epic musical “Rolling Thunder” is to look back at the incidents took place in 70’s and 80’s in order to salute our seniors who were suppressed for their act of defending the right for the underprivileged group and to encourage our new generation to continue contributing for the future of our country.

The performance of 《Spring Thunder》 was organized by the Chinese Language Society of University Malaya in 1974, combining more than 40 cultural performing groups but was called off abruptly due to its left-wing identity.

《Dong Di Yin》was a platform created by a batch of local poets and cultural intellectuals to express their feelings of injustice about the society through poems in the end of 80s’.

The epic musical 《Rolling Thunder》performed in the Chinese Assembly Hall of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor on 18 and 19 December which combines singing, dancing and poetry reading presented the historical incidents during 70s’ and 80s’, mainly the happenings that affected the Chinese community.

The artistic director of Dua Space, Aman Yap played the role of Lin Lian Geok.

After 36 years 《Spring Thunder》 being called off, under the planning and organization of the committee of 《Rolling Thunder》, the thunder roars again and it ignites the passion and spirit of the past years.

《Rolling Thunder》is divided into 5 chapters, the overture celebrates the independence of our country where all races dance joyfully. The first chapter 《The Black Spring》 tells the incident of ethnic conflict and the people are living in pain and sorrow. The second chapter 《The Red Thunder》traces back the performance of the Silver Star Arts Group in Malaysia which led to the production of 《Spring of The Earth》 and 《Spring Thunder》. In the third chapter 《The White Upheaval》 presents the abolishment of nationality of the pioneer of our Chinese education, Lin Lian Geok. The fifth chapter 《The Yellow Earth》 performs the elites and intellectuals of Chinese community continual presentation of the memorandum demanding for the local Chinese community and ends up with more than 100 people arrested during the ‘Thatch Action’. Lastly, a scenario of all residents arise, together, creating a better future and sing out our love for the country in the finale 《Because of You, My Country》.

Please allow us to thank our seniors and to salute the people who contributed for the community with 《Rolling Thunder》!

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