Monday, July 27, 2009

2008年8月的消息 Posts of August 2008

31-08-2008: Merdeka for 51 years.

Make Up Time!

Practice before the performance.

Line up !

photo taken after the performance!

29-08-2008: 國慶倒數count down to National Day

遊行前的準備. Preparation before the marching.
有人請吃冰淇淋。Oh hoh~! Belanja by June
今天才發現原來葉老師的parking技術驚人。 Marvelous parking skill by Aman Yap.

馬兒遊行照片。 Some Kuda(horse) photo :)

26-08-2008: 26/8/2008 AM at Dataran Merdeka

Wow~! so many peoples...好多人啊!

26-08-2008: 飢餓30 / 30Hours Famine

Latest news on 24/8/2008 morning event:
This is the 30 famine activity by Shuang Fu. We went to help out the morning warm-up session.

Although some of them are disable, but it does not stop them to try out.

This is the main instructor- Howard. (The paper is the note for the movement)其實,後來知道這些參加飢餓30的朋友每位還要交付一個人150的參加費用,還真不知道這些Banner的贊助商到底提供了甚麼援助?
After the event, I find out that those who participated in this event need to pay RM150 each. I wonder what has the sponsor give to them after they get their logo printed on the event banner?

25-0-2008: 國慶月National Day Month


31st August is going to be Malaysia birthday! Now everyone is ppreparing for the event.... on that day there are going to have 15 thousand performers and event participant at Dataran Merdeka. Hope those who are interested in the event may join us, or.... watch TV :) .

22-08-2008: 雙福7歲囉!Shuang Fu is 7 years old!

在Bukit Jalil的一間俱樂部內有一個雙福的聚會,慶祝雙福7週年了!從創團的5人,到今天的70多人(還不包括那些已經學習到一技之長後自力更生的朋友),雙福的成長及貢獻,不可多得。
The Shuang Fu organized a celebration party at Bukit Jalil Club. This year, Shuang Fu is 7 years old. Recall back those years behind, the association has grown up from 5 peoples untill 70++ peoples today.  

Some quiz programme during the event.

18-08-2008: 趕場Rush hour..

從Ipoh回來後,睡了兩個多小時,我們又面對鏡子化妝,要到Dataran Merdeka演出了。
After came back from, we only have 2 hours ++ to take a snap and then wake up to make -up and perform at Dataran Merdeka.

18-08-2008: 動地吟到怡保Ipoh's Dong Di Yin

We Gather at Mentor Publication in the morning....休息站的蚱蜢。Grasshopper at the rest station...
三德中學的禮堂。The Hall of San Det.
葉老師的姪子來訪!Niece of Aman came to see him.
我們的休息及化妝室。Our rest room, cool....

15-08-2008: 佛光山演出Performance at Foh Guang Shan

Today we perform at Foh Guang Shan, I had heart about the place fo a long time, at last I came.

13-0-2008: Trip to Kuching古晉之旅

Unfortunately, this trip to Kuching had face with the power cut problem during the performance day, so the "Dong Di Yin" performance had postpone to 10/8/2008. It was really a great job by the organizer to settle this accident in such a quick way.

This was the photo during the performance.


For the secong day, we all move to a nature-base hostel namely "sun moon star farm" (sorry, direct translation...). it is really a great experience over there, firstly the long house design and of course living with this group of "Dong Di Yin" friend will sure be a good experience.

The last day was the food-experience day.


on 16/8/2008, we will perform at Ipoh...

07-08-2008: 家人回來囉! Welcome back from London...

07-08-2008: 動地吟發佈會Dong Di Yin Press Conference

Today is the press conference for the "Dong Di Yin" upcoming 8 performances around Malaysia. Dua Space has performed a piece namely " Kou Zhan".

06-08-2008: Recently最近...

在倫敦 At London:
uh uh!! Joget!!!
在大英博物館前 In front of British Muzeum.

在吉隆坡At Kuala Lumpur:
Practice at IB, got performance at PWTC...

Performance Day at 5th August for the 4th Commenwelth Parliamentary Conference.

02-08-2008: London Vs Puchong, Malaysia

Hey Hey~! signature fom Malaysia Artist.鴿子似乎對堯鍵怒目相視....
The pegeon look so angry at Kent.....hungry...hungry....
大馬兒女。 Anak Malaysia.
While in Puchong.....

今天是我的訓練日....Its my training day~! Oh my god.....
Finally, the day come.... but it is fantastic~!
This is how much Anthony eat per meal......hehehe....
Ready for "Mummy" at IOI,Puchong...

01-08-2008:London News!

Wow~! Aman Yap in Kitchen~!!!
waiting for VIP....cold~!

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