Monday, July 27, 2009

2008年7月的消息Posts of July 2008

30-07-200829/7/2008 Press Conference of Shuang Fu新聞發佈會!


Objective: To raise Funds in aid of our annual training programs for the disabled


Today is the press conference of the "Shuang Fu 7th Anniversary Charity Food and Fun Fair". I saw the artist in the TV program. The one in the middle of the photo [in the front line] is Danny, the managing director of the association, while the lady beside him is Ms Qiu Xiang who was one of the founder of the association. I am amazed by the way they think and serve others.


For more info, please click the photo below:


The time is 21-9-2008 from 10am till 2pm at Confucian Private Secondary School, Kuala Lumpur. Please support!

30-7-2008click me!

29-7-2008Photo from London來自倫敦的照片


Today, Dua Space received the photo mail from London. I edited the photo. you may click the picture to see a larger diagram. I think they start to perform now....

27-7-2008:要到倫敦了Trip to London

今天是啟程到倫敦的日子,很早就要爬起來送機。團體照?太公式化啦。 一路順風!

Today is the time to London, need to wake up very early. I didn't take any group photo because it is too official :) Has a nice trip.

24-07-200822/7/2008 sambutan at KLCC and events


In the morning session, Dua Space has went to KLCC to make the welcoming ceremony for all the participant from 135 countries who join the 16th International Council On Achives Congress. 緊接者下午,大家趕到國家劇院彩排到倫敦演出“馬來西亞週”的活動。

After that, it was a preview for the program to London trip at Istana Budaya.


At the night, The "Malaysia Night" event make a good impression for all the guest from all over the world.


The finale which "joget" together with all the guest create a lifely atmosphere in the hall.


a dancers life....

20-07-2008:赴倫敦演出前夕Performance at London

接下來,共享空間的四位舞者將和TOFA IB的舞者到英國倫敦演出。近期便是聯合排練期囉!

In the end of the month, four dancers from Dua Space Dance Theatre will represent Malaysia to perform at London with dancers from TOFA and Istana Budaya.

19-07-200818/7/2008 Performance day


Actually, warm up is really important for Part-Time or professional dancer. We always start our day with warm-up.這一天來的觀眾達800多人!演出完畢,幾乎全場站起來為我們歡呼。衷心的感謝大家的捧場及支持。我相信共享空間會做的更好!

The number of audience reach 800+ at the last day! Almost all of the audience stand up and applause. Thank you for coming and I am sure Dua Space will do better in the future.


Thank you to all the friends from Pu-Ti workshop.


The End and we meet at the next show! :)


Last briefing and sharing by Anthony before we left the theatre.

18-07-200917/7/2008演出劇照 Performance Photo


Performance at 17/7/2008


This is the view at the entrance after the performance end. Some of them had come for two days continuously. Some they said they will come for the last day at 18/7/2008 again. So heart warming......拍照時間。

Photo taking session.


Fans of Hou Yi(Aman Yap) and Chang Er(Esther)!


Signature time!


Thank you for coming, my friend from Shuang-Fu. Part of the income on 17/7/2008 will donate to the Shuang-Fu organization as their development fund. It has been such a good relation between Shuang Fu and Dua space to work together and also as friends.


这是一个千古动人的神话故事。从前,有个英武善战的领袖名叫后羿,他与贤淑聪颖的嫦娥是一对非常恩爱的夫妻。他们勤政爱民,百姓生活富裕,国家一片万象欣 荣。国师逢蒙贪婪权位的荣耀及垂涎嫦娥美丽的仪容,计谋如何暗算帝王后羿,抢夺他的妻子及将一个能够开天辟地,威力无穷的射日神弓占为己有。国师逢蒙除了 忌虑神弓,也畏忌后羿的武艺高强,加上他身旁有个尽忠职守,被后羿视为亲如兄弟的副将雷云。要纂夺帝位及得到一切,逢蒙日夜处心积虑地运筹,等待时机。某 日,天帝的十个太阳儿子想要出宫游玩,他们赤稚无染的童心,毫无戒心地在天空畅游。逢蒙看见可以嫁祸给后羿的机会,便诱使太阳十子到处虐戏,所经之处,焰 火烧焚。果然后羿爱民心切,愤而举起神弓欲射杀十日,嫦娥无意间得知奸人逢蒙的诡计,力劝后羿不要上当。但后羿不相信嫦娥所言,嫦娥伤心不已,她唯有领着 众宫女祈天求雨,祈望后羿能因降雨而逃过小人谗害的一劫。逢蒙心见时机成熟,又再次诱引十日炎焰大地与百姓,后羿不知其诡计,力拔神弓射杀十日,嫦娥力阻 后羿与逢蒙,最后逢蒙终於露出其居心,欲杀后羿,嫦娥委身护夫,千钧一发之际,副将雷云赶至,后羿与雷云联手挫杀了厚颜无耻的逢蒙,但雷云也蒙受重伤。后 羿乞求嫦娥的原谅,嫦娥允之。天帝因后羿射杀了他9个爱子,勃然大怒,要严罚降罪后羿。嫦娥禀告天帝,她愿意接受吞服飞天灵药,以独守月亮广寒宫的惩罚, 为后羿赎罪及让大地百姓重得安宁及无忧无虑的生活。天帝允之。嫦娥喝下了飞天灵药,奔月而去时, 后羿遥望天空,心中忆起了无限的思念。



RM50, RM30, RM20 (Student, Senior Citizen & Disabled)


During ancient China, there was a hero named Hou Yi. He was a great general with the best archery skills. His followers too had great archery skills because of his guidance. Hou Yi’s wife Chang Er was a very beautiful and elegant lady. She had a very close relationship with the ten Suns. She treats them like her own child. One day, the ten Suns went out to play and caused calamity on earth. This happened under the evil scheme of Fong Meng, the evil advisor of Hou Yi who tries to overthrow Hou Yi’s throne. The earth became dry and lands started to crack causing the people to suffer. This matter made Hou Yi very angry. As a general he had to save and protect the people. Chang Er who found out the evil plot tries to stop Hou Yi but was to no avail. He succeeds in shooting down 9 suns but was backstabbed by Fong Meng while facing the ten suns. However, Hou Yi was still able to kill Fong Meng with the aid of his general. Punishment of God soon came after Hou Yi for his audacious move. He has been punished to be exile from earth. Knowing this, Chang Er struggles with him and end up taking is place for the punishment. Therefore, this reveals the ancient tale of Chang Er who flew to the moon. This tale is remembered and celebrated every year during the Chinese Moon Cake Festival.


RM50, RM30, RM20 (Student, Senior Citizen & Disabled)

50% discount for 1 ticket come with purchase of 5 tickets. 1 free ticket come with purchase of 10 tickets

17-07-200816/7/2008 演出第一天 first performance day

這是CIVIC hall的樓下觀眾席面貌,這算得上是一個不錯的劇場。劇場是不錯的,不過相關負責的單位就.....

This is the view of the theatre from the audience seat. It is quite a nice theatre, but the administration efficiency is not really good enough.這是在彩排時所拍的照片。 劇場內的魔術師──燈光,往往是為作品增添不少的“色彩”。

This photo is taken during the rehearsal. It is really amazing with the lighting atmosphere in the theatre.


This is the briefing session after the performance.




This is the stage manager and the lighting designer-- Hafiz dan Reza.

17-07-2008“后羿與嫦娥”的前製...behind the scene


Recently is the time preparing for the dance drama "Hou Yi and Chang Er" This head gear need to be ready in 40 seconds! Now the dancer try their best for this time-rush practice.出發到CIVIC HALL囉!

Lets move to CIVIC Hall!


In this dance drama, there were some big prop that play an important role in it.


Behind the side screen.


This is the installation art at the entrance of the main door. It includes some of the photo of the dance theatre since 10 years ago.


30/6/2008 滴水坊的“話舞”分享


As a ex-dancer of "Cloud Gate Dance Group" of Taiwan, Anthony would like to share his experience and give some commentary about the piece "Moon water" and "The Song of Wonderer". For me, it is really something that i appreciate a lot since it is really something amazing that we can hear and learn all this in Malaysia.

29/6/2008 :-

這幾天舞團都在忙“話舞”的部分,也就是透過講座讓大眾更接近舞蹈。舞蹈,也许对您是遥远,陌生的名词,其实您们早就彼此认识了,因为它是最古老,亦复最前卫的语言 lang="ZH-CN" style="font-family:SimSun;">“话舞”通过舞蹈工作坊、讲座、示范、录影欣赏及表演等与你说舞谈艺,让艺术陪伴在您的生活中。也让在下一代成长的骄傲中,有我们这一代人的艺术努力。 我們到了次場街的Popular進行了講座,人潮不多,但大家都有心。這是當時會場的畫面。

For these few days, Dua Space was busy with the "Dance Education Promotion Series". This activity is to promote the art of dance which might just like a stranger standing far from you. Actually in reality, dance is born with you as dance is the most conventional as well as the most contemporary language. "Dance Talk" is a talk with you about dance and art through workshop,seminar,video showing and movements demonstration. By nurturing your own artistic style of life, let your fame reconizes our devotion. This time, the talk was hold at Popular at Jalan Hang Lekir,KL. I like the way everyone focus on the talk.


Actually, you may find many sentence of wisdom at some corner in the shop.


舞蹈攝影展 <展十汇五>~足迹


Beside that, Dua space also held a photo exhibition at the venue stated above. However, 30/6/2008 is the last day for the event. But in the near future, there will be a series of dance photo exhibition held in other spot. 

10-07-2008 KL Festival 2008


This is the first time of KL festival held at outdoor. The theme of the festival for this year is " Flora and Fauna" ,thus the venue chosen is the garden beside Suria KLCC. Anthony Meh play the role as the main choreographer for the dance in the festival. It s challenging to work with many group, further more the unpredictable weather also make the whole event unstable. However, I am please to said that the event is well organized.


Spacing of the dance before the performance.


The ending pose of dance "Perpaduan"

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