Wednesday, March 10, 2010

舞团排练助理陈峣键东方日报专访 An Interview of Kent Tan in Oriental Daily News

他没有一纸的舞蹈专科文凭,从小也没有受过专科的舞蹈训练,但是在舞台上却是众人的目光焦点,他出众的舞动就是一纸文凭,收放自如的演艺就是学院框架外的生命活力。本地著名编舞家马金泉曾说过,他这一辈子只会收12位入门弟子。他,是第一位通过马金泉严格标准,成为其第一位入室弟 -- 陈峣键

He did not received proper dance training at his young age and he never went through dance study in any dance school. Yet, he always catches the eyes of the audience when he is on stage. His outstanding dance performance is the certificate of dancing and it is a strength that he holds which is not something you can learn from the syllabus of a dance school.

Local famous choreographer Anthony Meh said that he will only take 12 acknowledged students in his life. Kent is the first who passed Anthony’s strict requirements and became the first acknowledged student.


He is now the experienced dancer and the rehearsal master of Dua Space Dance Theatre, assisting the choreographers, Anthony Meh and Aman Yap in the general rehearsal.

- 陈峣键 东方专访语录

“Hard time will definitely pass. All you need to do is to hold on for a moment and for sure, you will cross over the difficulties.” - Kent Tan


Oriental Daily News published an article about Kent Tan and the story of how a full time professional dancer fulfils his dream by giving out all his efforts and never gives up. To read the article, please click on the picture below to enlarge it.


陈峣键 Kent Tan

03年参加共享空间专业舞团,因对舞蹈的挚爱及自身的发奋,使他从一名年涩及舞蹈资历稚浅的舞者迈入舞者风范俱佳的男性舞者。他干净利落的肢体舞动及演绎戏剧性角色的精湛,令他在舞剧《后羿与嫦娥》中担任奸臣逢蒙一角极为出位,在全国巡回演出中被评为“除了2位主要主角外,不得不提的就是演出逢蒙的陈峣键,尤其是在其中一场逢蒙谋反的剧情中,一方面博得后羿的信任,一方面又担心诡计被嫦娥拆穿,复杂的神情在瞬间变化,演技出色” 。

Joined Dua Space in 2003. Due to his passion in dancing and his hardworking, he becomes a leading male dancer. His neat body movements and dramatic acting make him an outstanding character in ‘The Legend of Hou Yi and Chang Er’. He is now an experienced dancer and the rehearsal master of Dua Space Dance Theatre. He have performed in London, Pakistan, Jakarta, Singapore and toured all over Malaysia. The pieces he participated include Hang Li Po Musical, Cheng Lock Musical, Ma Ho Huan Musical, Lantai T. Pinkie Musical, dance drama The Legend of Hou Yi and Chang Er, Chinese Musical Dance Epic Anak Malaysia and etc.

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