Tuesday, November 9, 2010

02-09-2010 歌舞剧《敦马哈迪》预览 Preview of 'Tun Mahathir' Musical

歌舞剧《敦马哈迪》将于9月24日至10月4日在国家剧院上演,歌颂这位在马来西亚历史上的政治巨人的成长故事及事迹。共享空间续歌舞剧《汉丽宝》、《陈祯禄》、《Lantai T. Pinkie》后,再次被邀请参加如此大型的歌舞剧演出。而舞团创办人马金泉老师则被邀请成为编舞之一。此外,剧中男女主角分别邀请了当红马来演员Ezma Daniel, Zizan Nin以及Erra Fazira演出,加上其他演员及舞者,演出者人数超过130人!

'Tun Mahathir' Musical will be staged from 24 September to 4th October in Istana Budaya and it tells the story of this politic giant of Malaysia history. Dua Space is honoured to be invited again after 'Hang Li Po' Musical, 'Cheng Lock' and 'Lantai T. Pinkie' to participate in such a large scale production. And the founder of Dua Space, Anthony Meh is invited to become one of the choreographers for the production. Besides, the musical has invited famous actors and actress which include Ezma Daniel, Zizan Nin and Erra Fazira to take the leading roles of the musical. Adding on the other actors and dancers, the number of performer exceeds 130 people!

于9月2日,在国家剧院举行了此歌舞剧的预览会,主办单位邀请了多位赞助商以及媒体出席。观众都对这一场盛大的歌舞剧抱着满怀希望,希望看见这位领袖的传奇人生呈现在舞台上。这里贴上预览会中共享空间舞者联合国家剧院舞者呈献,由马老师编排的舞蹈《Teduhan Cinta(爱的咏叹)》。

The preview of the musical was held on 2nd September in Istana Budaya where sponsors and media were invited to attend the event. The audience was really eager to see the legend of Tun Mahathir to be presented on stage. Here, attached is the piece, choreographed by Anthony Meh, presented by dancers of Dua Space and Istana Budaya which was presented during the preview -- 'Teduhan Cinta'.

To know more about 'Tun Mahathir' Musical, please kindly visit the following links:



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