Sunday, July 4, 2010

舞团创办人 马金泉及叶忠文 获邀赴香港及广州演出 Anthony and Aman Performing in Hong Kong and Guang Zhou

The founders of Dua Space, Anthony Meh and Aman Yap will be performing in Hong Kong and Guang Zhou from 20th to 30th July in ‘Contemporary Dance Showcase - Asian Male Episode' and Guang Dong Modern Dance Festival repectively , presenting their latest choreography, 'X-Zen' and giving lectures in master classes of dance.

《X禅 X-Zen》

It is a specious thing; however, what you see in your eyes is your greatest savour.

The choreography based on Tai-Chi where White, the Yang (positive), is the reality; Black, the Ying (negative), is the virtual illusion. Interaction between the black and white in the dance will present the interrelationship of reality and illusion, giving the message of ‘Life is a fight between yourself and the other you, like moving forward and backward, white and black, contrast and harmony and etc’.

Hong Kong 'Contemporary Dance Showcase - Asian Male Episode'

'Contemporary Dance Showcase - Asian Male Episode’ is one of the series of contemporary dance programs organized by E-Side Dance Company partnering with Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre. In this program, they aim to invite Hong Kong local famous dance artists, dance companies and more rookies in dance industry to stage their creations.

推动与外地的舞蹈文化交流 邀请外地舞蹈家到港进行交流活动

Besides, E-Side Dance Company also works to promote exchange of dance cultures between Hong Kong and the other countries. 'Contemporary Dance Showcase - Asian Male Episode' has invited dance artists from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia to present their pieces in the performance. “Six male dance artists from different Asian cities, Six choreographers of distinctive styles, A rendezvous for cultural and art exchange, Stimulating the creativity and vibrancy of dance in Asia”. With male dance artists as the theme, they aim to encourage more males to approach contemporary dance and to understand different possibilities of dance arts. The audience not only can watch their great performance but also able to have a close interaction with the masters during the master classes arranged by the organizing party.

Please visit the following link to learn more about the peformance.
东边舞蹈团 E-Side Dance Company

The 7th Guang Dong Modern Dance Festival - Discover Asia

Since its inauguration in 2004, the Guangdong Modern Dance Festival has successfully gained national and international recognition as the most important modern dance festival in China. Every year, hundreds of young Chinese choreographers and dancers gather in Guangzhou to present their new works in the Festival. The festival has also featured the foremost international modern dance innovators, and has grown into the hub of Chinese modern dance development where new ideas are turned into reality.


近年,亚洲在文化、政治与经济方面都于世界舞台上腾飞。亚洲的舞蹈家也以不一样的创作,向世界展示亚洲的当代文化以及亚洲人民对生活质量的追求!第七届广东现代舞周首次聚焦我们身处的亚洲,从世界各地搜罗站在国际前沿的亚裔舞蹈家参与,推出主题系列:发现亚洲。现代舞周邀请了数百位来自日本、韩国、柬埔寨、马来西亚、菲律宾、以色列、欧美等地,以及中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾地区的亚洲或亚裔艺术家,在一连7天里,透过60多节大师课及60多部舞蹈作品,让大家重新认识当代亚洲的舞蹈词汇、重新发现当代亚洲文化的新面貌,从而掌握国际舞蹈舞 台的脉搏。规模之大、阵容之盛,国内实属少见。
The theme of the coming festival is “Discover Asia”. In recent years, Asia has been gaining recognition for its important role in global economic and political development. The stage in Asia is an indispensable part of the stage in the contemporary world. It is time to rediscover the contemporary vocabulary of Asian dance artists, who have been too often overlooked or pigeonholed as simply “oriental”. The coming festival will gather several hundred Asian artists from Japan, Korea, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Israel, and North America as well as from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan in an attempt to discover our own Asian dance idioms over 7 days in over 60 master classes and more than 60 performances.

To know more about Guang Dong Modern Dance Festical, plese click on the following link.

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