In conjuction with the celebration of the 62nd anniversary of The Teochew Association Klang & Coast, they organized a performance to raise fund for their education foundation. Dua Space was invited to performed on the event.
18-10-09 一个马来西亚推介礼——与霹雳州人民共庆 Majlis Pelancaran Satu Malaysia Bersama Rakyat Negeri Perak
Dua Space joined the performance of Majlis Pelancaran Satu Malaysia Bersama Rakyat Negeri Perak in Stadium Ipoh. On that night, the event was attended by 50,000 audience, congesting the stadium an the transportation to the stadium. Our Prime Minister lso attended the event to launch the concept of "Satu Malaysia (One Malaysia)".
20~21-10-09 槟岛排练之行 Penang Rehearsal Trip
All the dancers of Dua Space and the guest dancers moved north to the Penang Island to rehearse for a performance which will be staged in Penang at the end of the year.
23-10-09 中华独中领袖营学生的拜访 Visit of Students of Leadership Camp from Chung Hwa High School
Students of Leadership Camp from Chng Hwa High School visited Dua Space. Anthony Meh gave them an introduction about Dua Space and a brief idea of performing arts. He then shared with them how he establish, manage and develop Dua Space to let them know about the development of performing arts in Malaysia.
28~29-10-09 屠妖节庆典排练 Deepavali Open House Rehearsal
These two days, dancers attended the rehearsal for Deepavali Open House in Taman Budaya. This year, Depavali Open House will be held in Port Dickson on 1st of November and this event is opened for the public to celebrate this light festival together.
Organized by KL Selangor Heng Ann Association, co-organized by Cofucion Private Secondary School and planned by Mentor Publishing, the 6th Literiture Camp will be held on 1st of November in the lecture hall of Confucian Private Secondary School. Anthony Meh is one of the speakers, sharing on literature in dance. Other speakers include the president of Mentor Publishing, Mr. Poh Seng Titt and famous magician and poet, Mr. Chiew Ruoh Peng sharing on the feelings of literature and literature in magic respectively.
The total participant is 350 people. However, the lecture hall can only accommodate 240 people. FULL HOUSE! The organizer can only add more chairs and ask the participantst to sit on the floor in order to let more people to have the opportunity to join this camp.
近来,10月的前半个月,舞团都在忙啊!分别在巴生、砂劳越古晋及东禅寺参与了3场演出! Recently, the first half of October, we were very busy! 3 performances were done in Klang, Kuching (Sarawak) and Dong Zen Temple (Jenjarom).
03-10-09 巴生福建会馆《中华心,中秋情》Mid-Autumn Celebration of Persatuan Hokkien Klang
Dua Space was invited to perform dance pieces in dance drama "The Legend of Hou Yi and Chang Er" to celebrate mid-autumn festival with the audience. Besides, we also presented others dance pieces, "Tropical Rain Forest", "Blessing of Spring", and "Dun Huang".
10-10-09 砂劳越古晋 "Perayaan Hari Malaysia 2009" Kuching, Sarawak
应国家文化局邀请,舞团与雪隆区几个政府属下的文化舞蹈团合作,到砂劳越古晋参与Perayaan Hari Malaysia 2009的演出,与当地的人民共襄盛举,欢庆这个独特又有意义的“马来西亚日”,演出富有爱国主义的《Malaysia Satu》及呈现吉隆坡现代化一面的《Kota Permai——Evolution》。当晚的演出也包括了歌手演唱多首爱国歌曲和沙巴及砂劳越独特的民族舞蹈呈现。此外,舞团也为当地人民带来华族舞的呈现。
As invited by JKKN, we collaborated with a few governmental cultural dance bodies in KL and Selangor to perform in "Perayaan Hari Malaysia 2009" in Kuching Sarawak to celebrate this meaningful day with the residents there. We join the other dancers performing patriotic "Malaysia Satu" and a "Kota Permai-Evolution" which presents the modernity of Kuala Lumpur. Besides, singers also presented a lot of patriotic songs, dance group from Sabah and Sarawak performed traditional cultural dances. We also presented chinese dance for the audience.
13-10-09 东禅寺《大马薪传》与《大马好——星云大师与马来西亚结缘50周年纪念》纪录片发表会 "Anak Malaysia" in Dong Zen Temple and the Releasing of Documentary of Master Tsing Yun
Our dance drama production "Anak Malaysia" was invited to perform in Fo Guang San Dong Zen Temple, Jenjarom. We presented a 1 hour version of "Anak Malaysia" and the audience was very impressed. This was the first time "Anak Malaysia" performed out door, we were very excited, yet, our performance touched the heart of the audience. In conjunction with the visit of the founder of Fo Guang San - Master Tsing Yun to Malaysia, Malaysian FGS made a documentary of him and released during the performance.
Pertama sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada 2 orang tenaga pengajar iaitu Cikgu Anhony dan Aman Yap kerana memberi banyak peluang bimbingan dan tunjuk ajar. Beliau bukan sahaja mengajar menari tapi memberi keyakinan bagaimana untuk terus hidup dalam apa jua keadaan dan menunjukkan kesedaran bahawa OKU juga mampu melakukan sesuatu setaraf dengan orang lain.
Begitu juga, terima kasih atas sokongan Persatuan Kristian Shuang Fu, rakan-rakan yang tidak pernah membezakan antara kaum dan agama. Itu yang paling buat saya terharu.
Sepanjang pengalaman saya berada di Taiwan, saya cukup gembira kerana pertama kali dapat kenal negara lain. Saya juga dapat kenal gaya hidup, ekonomi, aktiviti sosial, tempat-tempat menarik dan tamadun sejarahdan lain-lain lagi di sana.
Di samping itu kita juga dapat memperkenalkan kepada negara lain tentang kebudayaan negara kita seperti persembahan tarian (sesuai dengan konsep 1 Malaysia yang diperkenalkan oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia). Kenangan yang paling berharga bagi saya ialah kemesraan dan bantuan dari semua pihak.