Thursday, December 24, 2009

Gema Zafana 2009 In Istana Budaya

由柔佛政府通过Yayasan Warisan Johor主办的Gema Zafana 2009将于12月26日至29日,在Istana Budaya举行。
Organized by state government of Johor through Yayasan Warisan Johor, Gema Zafana 2009 will be shown in Istana Budaya from 26 to 29 December.

Yayasan Warisan Johor在其编舞On Jaafar的教导及带领之下,以马来传统舞蹈Zapin为基础训练,渐渐发展成为极具特色的舞蹈团体,曾多次在国内外演出并获得很高的评价。
Under the supervision of local famous choreographer, Onn Jaafar, Yayasan Wairsan Johor develop into a unique dance group which based on local traditional Malay dance, Zapin and its performances, either locally or overseas, gained great review from the audiences.

这一次的Gema Zafana 2009是续上一场于2004年举办的Gema Zafana,以呈现Zapin舞蹈为主题,融合全国各个区域不同种类的Zapin融会贯通于舞蹈作品中。此外,舞团及印度舞团Asthana Arts也被邀请参与这一次的演出,让这一场Zapin舞蹈专场的演出更为丰富。若想观看Gema Zafana 2004的演出片断,可以到以下Youtube连址点看。
Gema Zafana 2009 this time is a continuation of the previous show in 2004, presenting Zapin dance as the main theme, including different types of Zapin in the piece. Besides, Dua Space and Indian dance group, Asthana Budaya are being invited to join this production, enriching the elements in this Zapin performance. If you would like to view the video of Gema Zafana 2004, please click on the follow link to watch it in Youtube.

12月14日至15日,舞团也移师到柔佛州参与Yayasan Warisan Johor的连排。马老师为这一次的演出特别编排了一支华族舞蹈,舞者也参与Zapin舞蹈,让舞者们有机会学习马来传统舞蹈。
On 14 to 15 December, we moved to Johor to join the rehearsal with Yayasan Warisan Johor. Anthony specially choreographed a Chinese dance for this performance. The dancers also joined the Zapin dance, giving them an opportunity to learn this traditional dance.

In the dance pieces, besides different types of traditional Zapin, the choreographer also includes contemporary dance elements in his choreography, developing more possibilities of Zapin. He also applies all sorts of formations and creative choreography concepts in his dance, making the whole production more lively and energetic.

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