Tuesday, May 3, 2011

26-04~01-05-2011 菲律宾国际舞蹈节之旅 A Journey To Philippines International Dance Festival

舞团被菲律宾国家文化及艺术局属下的舞蹈委员会邀请参加第3届Dance Xchange(舞·交流)——菲律宾国际舞蹈节。该舞蹈节与4月27日至29日于菲律宾首都马尼拉举行。主办单位分别邀请来自马来西亚、香港、台湾、英国、泰国、汶莱、新加坡、韩国、越南及菲律宾本地著名的舞蹈团参加这次的舞蹈盛会。舞团有幸被邀请代表马来西亚出席该活动。另一只马来西亚的队伍来自砂劳越古晋。

Dua Space performed in "Dance Xchange ~ Philippines International Dance Festival and Lectures" held by Dance Committee (Shirley Halili Cruz as the Chairperson) under the Ministry of Culture and Arts from 27 t0 29 April. The event was organized at Manila, the capital city of Philippines and the participants were invited from UK, Hong Kong, Thailand, Brunei, Singapore, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia and Philippines itself. Dua Space was a t such an honour to be invited as first professional contemporary dance company in Malaysia.

所有演出者的合照A photograph with all the performers

欢迎式与主办单位主席Shirley Halili Cruz合照
With Shirley Halili Cruz during the welcoming ceremony

《颜染舞色》经典结束造型 The ending pose of "Image of Colors"

《黑白变》结束后After the performance of "Black & White @ VARIATION"

马老师的授课Master class by Anthony Meh

即将演出Coming Soon -- 20~23/05/2011《Wayang》

首度与本地著名剧场演员Datin Sabera Shaik合作,共享空间第一次用“影子”来舞蹈、说故事。
Our first collaboration with local famous theatre actress, Datin Sabera Shaik, Dua Space will dance and tell the stories with the "SHADOW"!

A beautiful country, went through the elements of all kinds since 50s and now, how does it look like?

Let the SHADOW tells you the answer! Don't miss the performance!

Masakini Theatre Company Presents
地点Venue: Auditorium Bandaraya, DBKL Building
日期Date: 20th - 23rd May 2011, 8.30pm
票价Tickets: 成人Adult (RM 43) 学生Students & 乐龄人士Senior Citizens (RM 20)
购票处Tickets available at www.theatreanticsshop.com, the counter or call 03-26983566

更多详情More information: http://www.masakinitheatre.com.my

14~17-04-2011《TWO》@ 吉隆坡表演艺术中心The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, Pentas 2

Dua Space Dance Theatre has been established for 13 years since 1998. There are stories, happy or sad, to be told along the path. Anthony Meh has to hide his true love of dancing in order to carry out the chores of adminisrtation and Aman has to throw away his title of international dance artist to accompany the dancers in their journey of growth.

Now, Dua Space has step out of their protection and to proceed with its future on its own. Anthony and Aman restaged this dance piece created 13 years ago when they first returned to Malaysia. Following this, it's time for Dua Space to fly towards its own future!

以下是新任马来西亚舞蹈联盟主席Bilqis Hijjas给于演出的评论,登于其部落格KL Dance Watch。
Below is the link to visit a review of the performance written by the president of MyDance Alliance, Biloqis Hijjas, entitled:
A Sensory Epic from Local Modern Dance Duo -- by Bilqis Hijjas

In order to enable the public to understand the piece better, Anthony wrote an article entitled "Seeking for The Home of 'Heart'" and published in his column of Pumen magazine. Those who missed the performance or if you wish to know more about the piece, please click on the picture, enlarge to read the full article. (Sorry for only Chinese available).