Tuesday, June 28, 2016

華穗藝術節29/6 馬台名家舞匯 Malaysia-Taiwan International Performance Night

共享空間專業舞團將於華穗藝術節29/6 星期三的馬台名家舞匯呈獻《萬象甲骨》選段《沈體:石在火不滅》與國立台灣師範大學表演藝術研究所、馬來西亞著名印度舞大師Dato' Ramli Ibrahim的 Sutra Dance Theatre同台演出。
Dua Space will be performing an excerpt of <Ancient Inscriptions> – Sim Script at the MALAYSIA–TAIWAN Dance Show this 29/6, Wednesday together with Taiwan's NTNU Graduate Institute of Performing Arts & renowned Indian Dance Master Dato' Ramli Ibrahim's Sutra Dance Theatre.

Video links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6tV_LfvPoo&feature=youtu.be

國立台灣師範大學表演藝術研究所將於華穗藝術節29/6( 星期三)的馬台名家舞匯呈獻《靈山》音樂舞蹈劇場。

"Soul Mountain" Dance Theater

Venue: San Choon Hall, Wisma MCA

Time: 8-10pm

Produced by Graduate Institute of Performing Arts, National Taiwan Normal University,directed and choreographed by the full-time faculty Prof. I-Fang Wu, who was the principal dancer of the “Cloud Gate Dance Theatre”.  The “Soul Mountain” Dance Theater is based on the literature “SOUL MOUNTAIN”, the year 2000 Nobel Prize in literature written by GAO Xingjian.  Mr. Wu transformed human’s emotion, desire and the scenery of the “Soul Mountain” into dance as if the imagination of a lonely journey. Through seeing floating lights during the journey, the author connected to the circumstances in life, a journey of exploration of the mind between actuality and virtual reality.
"Soul Mountain" Dance Theater combines dance, music, visual and setting design to give a newer experience for audience than its literature work. This production is choreographed by I-Fang Wu, music composed by Wen-Ta Juang and Ching-Wen Chao, visual by Ho-Chieh Shu and Mao-Chia Huang who have converted hundreds of GAO Xingjian’s original photographs into images on stage, and the famous lighting designer Boon-Ann Goh.

Price: Normal Price:30, Student Price:10
有興趣訂票的朋友,可以聯絡 For ticketing details, contact:
芯怡 Sammy 018-207 2006 / 隆達 Aldus 018-207 0310

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6tV_LfvPoo

30/6/2016 讲座资讯 Talk Details on 30/6/2016:

配合29/6馬臺名家舞匯,台灣國立師範大學表演藝術研究所舞蹈家吳義芳將於30/6(星期四)5pm,在馬華大廈M樓舉行題為:《肉身舞蹈 -從靈山音樂舞蹈劇場,談肉身的凝視》的講座會。


03-2203 3971 /03-2203 3978 /03-2203 3979

23062016: The Lotus Sutra Full Dress Rehearsal


Full dress rehearsal for the Blossom Arts Festival (BAF) 2016. Dua Space performed an excerpt of Black and White @ Variation.

Trailer's Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nynBLNhCL48