共享空间专业舞团续2012年《好运当头》及2013年《 万花之绣》之后,再次获得Gardens Mall特约制作配合2014年新春装置主题的舞蹈节目《 旗袍梦》。与以往的呈现方式有所不同,《旗袍梦》 将以舞剧的方式呈献在50、 60年代旧上海特有的中西文化精神交融。舞者们穿上旗袍与西装, 在优美管弦乐及爵士音乐里翩翩起舞, 仿佛把时空带回旧上海的氛围,一同感受浓浓的怀旧风情。敬请留意以得知更多演出资讯!
Dua Space Dance Theatre is invited by The Gardens Mall to produce a Chinese New Year dance program entitled . The dance drama will be presenting the era of 50s and 60s of the old Shanghai where western and eastern cultures crossed over. Dancers will be wearing Cheongsam and suites, dancing to the graceful orchestral music and jazz melody, as if bringing the time backward to reminisce the old Shanghai nostalgia. Stay tuned for more performance info!