Tuesday, October 18, 2011

17-10-2011 《Close Encounters With The Dance Kind》@ New Straits Times

记者Aref Omar采访了《巢穴》的创意推手——马老师、叶老师及造型设计兼化妆总监Michelle Yiu,分享《巢穴》制作的由来、创意元素与每一个元素单位的发挥范围。

The reporter, Aref Omar interviewed the master brains behind the production of ‘DEN’, including Anthony Meh, Aman Yap and Michelle Yiu, the image design and make up director. They shared the stories behind the production and the creative elements within the performance.

(点图放大Click on picture to enlarge)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

09-10-2011 马老师撰文《留个净土空间》An Article of Anthony@星洲广场Sin Chew


Anthony tells the story of why he created DEN in such a time when the environmental pollution is harming our future. Like what he said in the article, "There's things that we cannot stay silent anymore, there's things that we need to take action immediately", hoping to gain awareness among the audience with arts regarding the environmental issue of our only home!

(欲读全文,请点图放大或下载To read the full article, please click to enlarge the picture)


世界各地,每天都连续上演旱涝天灾,山体崩坏及火山地震等等的事件。辐射及有害制品也每天无声无音侵入广大人们的起居生活,像一张盖天铺地的黑网,蚕食吞噬清静的空间。 Everyday, floods, drought, earthquake and landslides happening all around the world. Radioactive and poisonous particles are invading our lives silently, corrupting our surrounding like a destructive network.

Artists are not living away from what's happening around us, we should voice out trough arts and to stand for our point of view.

The risks of Earth put us into an endangered situation which affect out livings and even our coming generations. There is only one Earth, the home that grew and nurtured us. Without her, nothing's meaningful!

《巢穴DEN》演出详情Performance Details

日期Date: 17~20 November 2011
时间Time: 8.30 pm
地点Venue: 吉隆坡表演艺术中心The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac), Pentas 2

RM 100 & RM 50 (成人Adult)
RM 25 (学生Student/乐龄人士Senior Citizen/残友Disabled)

售票处Ticket Outlet:
共享空间专业舞团Dua Space Dance Theatre 03-80700890/010-2215262/016-7451994
吉隆坡表演艺术中心klpac 03-40479000/9010
吉隆坡艺人馆 The Actors Studio 03-21422009/21432009

网上订票Online Booking:

Monday, October 3, 2011

舞剧Dance Drama《巢穴DEN》——2011共享空间年度创作Annual Production of Dua Space Dance Theatre

共享空间专业舞团将于今年11月17日至20日,在吉隆坡表演艺术中心(The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre,Pentas 2)发表舞团2011年年度创作——《巢穴》。这是舞团近年来创作《黑白变》及《TWO》现代舞剧后另一个长篇创作。
Dua Space Dance Theatre will be staging our annual production of year 2011 entitled “DEN” from 17 to 20 November in Pentas 2 of The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac). This is another creation of feature-length work from Dua Space since the previous “Black & White @ VARIATION” and “TWO”.

“DEN” is a fiction story which a planet within the universe is destroyed and the escaping space craft crashed on Earth during the journey of the outer space creatures seeking for survival. The story emphasizes the significant environmental issues and forecasts the possibility that Earth will be heading the same fate. This feature-length work is a collaboration of choreography by the founders and choreographers of Dua Space Dance Theatre, Anthony Meh and Aman Yap. Besides, artists from various backgrounds will come together to generate a hybrid of creativities and arts, including local renowned makeup artist, Michelle Yiu, as the director of makeup and image design, potential new talent of multimedia design, Sirius Seet, and creative photographers, Helios Loo, KK Wong and Dev Lee will contribute their thoughts and specialties to present a 360 degree multimedia visual, and Lee Hock Seng will install the theatre in the form of crashed space craft in order to give the audience an experience of appearing at the scenes of the story line.

“DEN” combines sophisticated image designs, surrealistic multimedia concepts, novel environment installations, and unique and innovative body movements in the choreography, presenting a stage performance of combined creativities and arts to the audience.

《巢穴DEN》演出详情Performance Details

日期Date: 17~20 November 2011
时间Time: 8.30 pm
地点Venue: 吉隆坡表演艺术中心The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac), Pentas 2

RM 100 & RM 50 (成人Adult)
RM 25 (学生Student/乐龄人士Senior Citizen/残友Disabled)

售票处Ticket Outlet:
共享空间专业舞团Dua Space Dance Theatre 03-80700890/010-2215262/016-7451994
吉隆坡表演艺术中心klpac 03-40479000/9010
吉隆坡艺人馆 The Actors Studio 03-21422009/21432009

网上订票Online Booking:

17 & 18-09-2011 舞蹈课Dance Workshop《动作是一种活建筑Body Elicitation – Movement is Living Architecture》

编舞家、舞蹈家马金泉被邀请于MyDance Festival期间开授大师班及即兴课程。为了让更多舞蹈爱好者受惠,马老师为课程命名《动作是一种活建筑》。他在舞蹈工作坊中将以《即兴课程》及《舞蹈课程》这2个层面及阶段教授给学员,以达到身体与思想2种层次体会的教导。

《即兴课》将带领学员通过自己身体的体验,了解动作结构中的力量、时间及空间(Force / Time / Space)如何创造出许多种截然不一样的动作。通过这个即兴课程的参与,学员能够更加体会舞蹈动作中这3种元素的掌握及理解,进而促进跳舞的无穷乐趣。

《舞蹈课程》则由舞蹈家马金泉亲自授课,在课程上将动作结构中的力量、时间及空间(Force / Time / Space)以有系统的教学法,通过地面、场中及流动(Floorwork / Centrework / Moving in Space),以动作组合的方式教导,让学员可以更明白及体会身体动作的创造,可以理论衍化成系统的审美鉴赏。

Anthony Meh was invited by MyDance Festival to conduct a masterclass and improvisation workshop during the festival. To inspire more dance lovers with his experience, he gave a workshop entitled “Body Elicitation – Movement is Living Architecture” to encourage the better understanding of movement creation and mastering movements, through focusing on force, time and space. By experiencing these elements through their bodies, the participants may create dance movements which are unique and different from the others. With a better understanding of the 3 elements of dance movements, they will gradually enjoy themselves in dancing.

16-09-2011《爱与希望》慈善晚宴Love and Hope Charity Dinner & 《守卫茨厂》艺游老街月光会 Petaling Street Community Art Project

8.30pm 《爱与希望》慈善晚宴Love and Hope Charity Dinner


Love and Hope Charity Dinner organized by Persatuan Orang Cacat Cina Malaysia (Malaysian Chinese Handicapped Association) in Temple Thian Hou. Dua Space was invited to participate the performance that night to contribute for the association. The charity dinner successfully raised 119 wheelchairs and funding, making the dreams of the disabled of owning their own wheelchair come true.

9.30pm 《守卫茨厂》艺游老街月光会 Petaling Street Community Art Project


After the performance at the charity dinner, members of Dua Space moved to Petaling Street to join the street performance of Petaling Street Community Art Project. The project was founded in order to refresh the memories within the hearts of the public and gain more power to withstand the destruction of Petaling Street and Jalan Sultan for the construction of MRT. 18 units comprising of artists, vocalists, and performers had participated the performance and it was attended by more than 500 public despite of the rain throughout the performance.