Tuesday, August 30, 2011

06-08-2011 St. Ella New York Creative Makeup Contest Grand Final

美丽乐集团为配合他们主办的St. Ella New York创意化妆比赛在Berjaya Time Square举行的总决赛,邀请舞团于当天的比赛中呈献舞蹈。为了配合彩妆比赛的主题,舞团总监兼编舞马金泉老师特别创作一支结合舞蹈与造型化妆设计的舞蹈《Zoom In——美丽的愿景》。找来本地著名化妆师Michelle Yiu及Makeupyourmind Academy负责造型设计及彩妆的部分。当两种不同领域的艺术结合,擦出亮眼的火花,让人惊艳!

Dua Space was invited by Melilea Group to perform during the St. Ella New York Creative Makeup Contest Grand Final held in Berjaya Time Square. To synchronize with the theme of the contest, Anthony Meh, the choreographer of Dua Space, collaborated with local renowned makeup artist, Michelle Yiu and her team of Makeupyourmind Academy to combie dance and creative makeup and image design. Their work led to an astonishing outcome of the collision of different art streams, bringing the wonderful dance piece entitled 《Zoom In - The Vision of Beauty》.

Besides, Dua Space also presented a special version of 《Exalted》where the blings of golden where turned into the cool tone of black and white!

25-07-2011 余仁生周年庆 Anniversary of Eu Yan Sang


The honorary sponsor of Dua Space Dance Theatre, Eu Yan Sang had its anniversary dinner at Shangri-La Hotel on 25 July. Anthony Meh specially re-choreographed a dance piece "The Landscape of Malaysia", presenting the image of Malaysia multi-racial background and the lively harmonious living of the nation of this tropical country.

Dua Space was grateful for the support Eu Yan Sang gave us along these years and with it's support, Dua Space could strive for the development of local performing art without much constraint. Here, we would like to send Eu Yan Sang our best wishes: Happy anniversary and thank you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

《林连玉传The Story of Lin Lian Geok》 招考演员Cast Audition @ 21-08-2011

由林连玉基金主办的“林连玉传:族魂林连玉与华教先贤的奋斗” 史诗歌舞剧,将于8月21日(日)吉隆坡教总大厦林连玉基金办事处4楼,主办舞蹈员、演员及歌手面试招考,欢迎有兴趣的朋友踊跃报名参加。
The epic musical “The Story of Lin Lian Geok”, organized by LLG Cultural Development Centre, is calling for an audition for talents in dancing, acting and singing on 21 August (Sunday) at the office of LLG Cultural Development Centre, located at the 4th Floor of Bangunan UCSTAM.

The epic musical will be staged on 17 December in the school hall of Confucian Private Secondary School. With local renowned poet, Poh Seng Titt as the producer, associating with Chow Kam Leong (local famous musician/composer), Anthony Meh Kim Chuan (dance artist/choreographer), Wong Ah Wah (poet), Lim Ming Chee (educator), and over 30 professionals from literature and art industry, the epic musical is the second local big-scale production after the well-acclaimed epic musical “Rolling Thunder” which has toured all around Malaysia in 2010 and 2011.

The catastrophe of Lin Lian Geok is not only the story of local Chinese but also a story to share among Malaysian. “The Story of Lin Lian Geok” describes the indomitable spirit of Lin Lian Geok, who was acknowledged as “Soul of the Race”, contributing for local Chinese education. He pronounced that all residents of the country should collaborate, despite of the races, to build a diversified, peaceful and advanced nation in the future where honors and glories are shared among everyone. He advocated to the preservation and appreciation of mother tongue of all races and urged to fulfill the responsibility of a nation’s resident by protecting and loving our country. Furthermore, the musical praises his visions beyond the difference among all races and highlights his character of towering strength for building Chinese education, at the same time, complimenting and saluting the pioneers of local Chinese education who fought together with Lin.

有意参与演出者须事前报名,并于8月21日下午1时到面试会场报到,同时携带两张护照型人头照片,穿着简便运动服装,年龄介于16岁至40岁之间,拥有舞台经验。更多详情可浏览www.llgcultural.com及致电林连玉基金会黄瑞泰03-26971971 / 72共享空间专业舞团薜建翔010-2215262
Those who wish to participate the audition are required to register in advance. Participants must be aged between 16 to 40 and preferably with performance experience. On casting day (21 August), please attend at the audition venue on 1pm in suitable sport or exercise attire and bring along 2 passport-sized head shots of yours. For more information, please log on to www.llgcultural.com or contact LLG Cultural Development Centre at 03-26971971/72, or Sirius Seet of Dua Space Dance Theatre at 010-2215262.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

23-07-2011GERAK 2011

共享空间受国家文化局邀请于GERAK 2011演出一支现代舞。马金泉老师编排了一支融合现代舞与民族舞蹈风格的作品,名为《城市动腾》,结合本地民族色彩与城市动态的手法编舞,反应了我国都市朝气蓬勃的风貌及多元文化的特色,让观众叹为观止!

Dua Space was invited to present a contemporary dance piece during GERAK 2011l. Anthony Meh choreographed a dance piece named 《Our Exuberant City》 which combines the traditional and modern elements of dance and choreography to show the energetic and exuberant living in a multi-cultural city and the dance impressed the audience with its dance techniques and creativity.

16-06-2011 马老师Anthony Meh@陳艾霙 “ 畫裡霙情 ” 油畫個展开幕"Feel·ying's" Tan Ai Yong Oil Paint Exhibition

本地油画画家陈艾霙老师的油画作品于马来西亚东禅寺佛光缘美术馆展出,画展取名为 “ 畫裡霙情 ”,顾名思义,希望藉由陈老师的作品,让更多人认识本地另一实力派画家。马金泉老师续今年与吴亚鸿老师合作后,再次应邀为吴老师的高徒(既陈老师)演出。舞蹈亦取名为 “ 畫裡霙情 ”,在画展的开幕仪式中演出。舞作以陈老师的油画风格出发,不但色调、彩妆、主题等与展出的画作呼应,更是为了给本地艺术家的一种精神扶持与撑伞,祝福陈老师的个展展出成功。

Local oil paint artist, Tan Ai Ying will have her paintings exhibited in Fo Guang Yuan Dong Zen Art Gallery. The exhibition entitled 'Feel·ying's' is to share the artist's feelings through her paintings and to introduce another local great artist to the public. Since performing with Goh Ah Ang, local renowned painting artist, Anthony now perform for Tan Ai Ying, who is the student of Goh, in the launching of her personal oil paint exhibition. The dance based on the theme, style and color tone of the paintings of Tan not only corresponded to the paintings of Tan but also showed Anthony's support and wish for Tan, hoping that her exhibition will be successful.

Those who love painting, don't miss the exhibition. The details are as follow:

陳艾霙 “ 畫裡霙情 ” 油畫個展
"Feel·ying's" Tan Ai Ying Oil Painting Exhibition

日期Date&时间Time:16/06~16/08/2011(10am - 6pm/Closed on Monday)
地点Venue:马来西亚东禅寺佛光缘美术馆 Fo Guang Yuan Dong Zen Art Gallery

陈艾霙Tan Ai Ying


Born in 1964, graduated from Top-Art School of Art (Graphic Design) in 1988. She's presently the Head of Children Art Department & lecturer in Art Teachers' training at Top-Art, Secretary of the Association of Artists, Klang. Organising chairperson of the women's day "Rainbows Alive" Art & Calligraphy Exhibition (1998-2011), panel judge in the 40th World School Children Art Competition (2009), Taiwan.

Click on the following link to read more about the exhibition.
陳艾霙 “ 畫裡霙情 ” 油畫個展开幕@goodenei